
Caramel Pecan Cinnamon Rolls in One Minute!

caramel pecan cinnamon rollAre you all ready for Fall?  I think I am ready despite my hatred for the cold.  I am looking forward to all the delicious treats that Fall has to offer.  Cinnamon rolls are a delight and I am going to tell you how to make these caramel pecan cinnamon rolls in one minute!

You can make these for your family or just a single serving for you.  If you are wanting to make one for yourself just grab a mug and it’s super-easy!cinnamon roll in a mug

Besides needing a mug you will also need:

1 Rhodes Microwave Cinnamon Roll
2T Caramel Ice Cream Topping, warm
1-2T Chopped Pecans
Cooking Spray

Spray your mug and drizzle in warm caramel sauce.  Sprinkle the pecans over sauce.  Place the frozen cinnamon roll on top of pecans and cook in microwave for 60 seconds.
caramel pecan cinnamon rolls microwave cinnamon rolls Once it is done cooking, tip the mug upside down on a plate and you have yourself a caramel pecan cinnamon roll, ready to eat!

caramel pecan rolls

If you decide to make this for your family, its simple.  You’ll need one bag of Rhodes microwave cinnamon rolls (yield 6) and instead of making it in a mug just use the same instructions and put them in a glass pie pan.  Cook in microwave for 6 minutes.

This will be a great treat to enjoy this Fall.  I absolutely have loved these microwave cinnamon rolls.  They are so convenient and are perfect when you are craving a treat that is fast and delicious.  I also have loved these Rhodes cinnamon rolls to give as little gifts, for example; grab a bag at the grocery store for someone who just had a baby (quick breakfast), someone who may have just had surgery, or for someone who may just be having a bad day.  I keep my freezer stalked with them for moments like this!  Just attach a cute gift tag and drop it off!

Hope you all enjoy this recipe and enjoy the Fall weather!

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    Caramel Pecan Cinnamon Rolls in One Minute!

    caramel pecan cinnamon rollAre you all ready for Fall?  I think I am ready despite my hatred for the cold.  I am looking forward to all the delicious treats that Fall has to offer.  Cinnamon rolls are a delight and I am going to tell you how to make these caramel pecan cinnamon rolls in one minute!

    You can make these for your family or just a single serving for you.  If you are wanting to make one for yourself just grab a mug and it’s super-easy!cinnamon roll in a mug

    Besides needing a mug you will also need:

    1 Rhodes Microwave Cinnamon Roll
    2T Caramel Ice Cream Topping, warm
    1-2T Chopped Pecans
    Cooking Spray

    Spray your mug and drizzle in warm caramel sauce.  Sprinkle the pecans over sauce.  Place the frozen cinnamon roll on top of pecans and cook in microwave for 60 seconds.
    caramel pecan cinnamon rolls microwave cinnamon rolls Once it is done cooking, tip the mug upside down on a plate and you have yourself a caramel pecan cinnamon roll, ready to eat!

    caramel pecan rolls

    If you decide to make this for your family, its simple.  You’ll need one bag of Rhodes microwave cinnamon rolls (yield 6) and instead of making it in a mug just use the same instructions and put them in a glass pie pan.  Cook in microwave for 6 minutes.

    This will be a great treat to enjoy this Fall.  I absolutely have loved these microwave cinnamon rolls.  They are so convenient and are perfect when you are craving a treat that is fast and delicious.  I also have loved these Rhodes cinnamon rolls to give as little gifts, for example; grab a bag at the grocery store for someone who just had a baby (quick breakfast), someone who may have just had surgery, or for someone who may just be having a bad day.  I keep my freezer stalked with them for moments like this!  Just attach a cute gift tag and drop it off!

    Hope you all enjoy this recipe and enjoy the Fall weather!

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