
Child’s Birthday Gift: Animal Trackers Club monthly subscription for kids

monthly kids subscription

What is it about getting a package in the mail that gets us all giddy?  Each day I take my girls with me on the short walk to our mailbox.  Most days there’s just mail, mostly junk, some bills…and some days, there are packages!  “Mom, why do you always get packages and I don’t?” says my little Olivia.  I wish I had a good explanation but I love to shop online and I’m a blogger, so put the two together and…packages come a lot!

I thought this year for Olivia’s birthday I would give her a monthly subscription.  This way, it’s literally the ‘gift that keeps on giving’ and she can now partake of how fun it is to get packages in the mail.  So today I am sharing with you a child’s birthday gift idea, the Animal Trackers Club monthly package.

My Olivia just turned six and has kindergarten in the morning.  Sometimes after she gets home and we have lunch, she is “board” until her big sister gets home.  The animal trackers club has given her some great activities to do when she starts feeling this way, and because of this monthly subscription she has something to look forward to every month.

Each month we receive a new animal to learn about and do activities with.  Our first month we also got the cutest little box to put everything in with a few things to kick us off on this journey.  This month was all about the safari and was a great base to build everything else on in the upcoming months.  So here’s what we had in our first initial package:

Animal Trackers Club

  • Introduction to the Animal Trackers Club
  • Animal Trackers Club Safari Lunchbox
  • African Savanna Information Card
  • Cover and Ring for the Safari Animal Photo Collection
  • Savanna Art Project
  • Savanna Animal Cards Activityanimal trackers

I’m going to share with you the activities we did and things that we learned about the Zebra.

In the zebra kit, we received:

  • Zebra Information Card.  This has information on it all about zebras.  We learned quite a bit about them!
  • Zebra Play Figure.  Each month you’ll get a new one to add to your collection.
  • Zebra Foam Mask.  Super cute!
  • Zebra Magnet.  The magnets stick to the lunch box you get with your kit too.  Before you know it, you’ll have a whole zoo full!
  • Safari Zebra Photo Card.  You will add this too your ring and pretty soon will have a whole ring full.
  • Learning Activity.  We did a few worksheets that helped with counting, letter sounds, and more.
  • Art Project.  My girls loved doing this.  It was called Magic Nuudles.  You get the foam noodles damp and they stick to the correct spot on the zebra paper!

I love how the kit includes art projects along with learning sheets and play things.  She loves to play with the animal cards she got as well, we play matching game with them!  The learning papers are perfect for her as she is learning a lot of these concepts in kindergarten.  There are different age groups that you can choose from when subscribing to the club.  There are also different plans you can choose such as a month plan, a three month plan, a 6 month plan, or a 12 month plan.  We chose the animal trackers club but there is a space club too!

For Sweet Charli readers/followers, they are giving you 10% off your product using the code SWEET10.  Click HERE to see what fun items they have.

Next time you are considering what to get for your child’s birthday, think about a monthly subscription for kids then watch their excitement as you walk to the mailbox when the package comes!

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    Child’s Birthday Gift: Animal Trackers Club monthly subscription for kids

    monthly kids subscription

    What is it about getting a package in the mail that gets us all giddy?  Each day I take my girls with me on the short walk to our mailbox.  Most days there’s just mail, mostly junk, some bills…and some days, there are packages!  “Mom, why do you always get packages and I don’t?” says my little Olivia.  I wish I had a good explanation but I love to shop online and I’m a blogger, so put the two together and…packages come a lot!

    I thought this year for Olivia’s birthday I would give her a monthly subscription.  This way, it’s literally the ‘gift that keeps on giving’ and she can now partake of how fun it is to get packages in the mail.  So today I am sharing with you a child’s birthday gift idea, the Animal Trackers Club monthly package.

    My Olivia just turned six and has kindergarten in the morning.  Sometimes after she gets home and we have lunch, she is “board” until her big sister gets home.  The animal trackers club has given her some great activities to do when she starts feeling this way, and because of this monthly subscription she has something to look forward to every month.

    Each month we receive a new animal to learn about and do activities with.  Our first month we also got the cutest little box to put everything in with a few things to kick us off on this journey.  This month was all about the safari and was a great base to build everything else on in the upcoming months.  So here’s what we had in our first initial package:

    Animal Trackers Club

    • Introduction to the Animal Trackers Club
    • Animal Trackers Club Safari Lunchbox
    • African Savanna Information Card
    • Cover and Ring for the Safari Animal Photo Collection
    • Savanna Art Project
    • Savanna Animal Cards Activityanimal trackers

    I’m going to share with you the activities we did and things that we learned about the Zebra.

    In the zebra kit, we received:

    • Zebra Information Card.  This has information on it all about zebras.  We learned quite a bit about them!
    • Zebra Play Figure.  Each month you’ll get a new one to add to your collection.
    • Zebra Foam Mask.  Super cute!
    • Zebra Magnet.  The magnets stick to the lunch box you get with your kit too.  Before you know it, you’ll have a whole zoo full!
    • Safari Zebra Photo Card.  You will add this too your ring and pretty soon will have a whole ring full.
    • Learning Activity.  We did a few worksheets that helped with counting, letter sounds, and more.
    • Art Project.  My girls loved doing this.  It was called Magic Nuudles.  You get the foam noodles damp and they stick to the correct spot on the zebra paper!

    I love how the kit includes art projects along with learning sheets and play things.  She loves to play with the animal cards she got as well, we play matching game with them!  The learning papers are perfect for her as she is learning a lot of these concepts in kindergarten.  There are different age groups that you can choose from when subscribing to the club.  There are also different plans you can choose such as a month plan, a three month plan, a 6 month plan, or a 12 month plan.  We chose the animal trackers club but there is a space club too!

    For Sweet Charli readers/followers, they are giving you 10% off your product using the code SWEET10.  Click HERE to see what fun items they have.

    Next time you are considering what to get for your child’s birthday, think about a monthly subscription for kids then watch their excitement as you walk to the mailbox when the package comes!

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