
Turkey Salad Croissant Recipe – The Greenery Restaurant

If you ever make it to the Ogden Valley in Utah, one of the places you must stop by is The Greenery Restaurant.  It is nested up against the Wasatch Mountains at the mouth of the Ogden Canyon.  The surrounding area is beautiful and this restaurant is so tasty, especially their Turkey Salad Croissant.

I have been going to this restaurant since I was a kid and ever since I can remember, the Turkey Croissant has been my choice!  It is a fresh-tasting turkey salad mixture served on a huge croissant and gives you the option of sprouts, lettuce, and tomatoes to put on it.  I love it!  This is a great recipe to serve at lady luncheons, but guess what?  My husband loves this too!
I am sharing the recipe with you today, lucky you!
This recipe makes about 30 large croissants, perfect for parties, wedding showers, baby showers, etc.  I usually half the recipe when I make it for my family and we have leftovers for days!
Turkey Salad Croissants
(The Greenery Restaurant)
yield 30 large croissants
2.5 Cups Real Mayonaise
3 Cucumbers (cubed)
1 Cup Green Onions (2 or 3 bunches)
1/2 Cup Celery (cubed)
1 tsp. White Pepper
1 tsp. Curry Powder
2 Cups Cashews (halves or bits)
4.5 lbs. Turkey Breast (deli .5″ slices then cut in cubes)

In a large bowl mix mayo, cucumbers, celery, green onions, white pepper, and curry powder together and blend well.Before serving add turkey and cashews.  Serve in large croissants.

Remember to drop by the Greenery when you make it to the Ogden area.  Did I mention they have a fun gift shop attached called, “Rainbow Gardens”?  Also, you MUST order a Mormon Muffin while you are there, they are famous for them!  Hope you enjoy your Turkey Croissants!
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  • JessecaFebruary 14, 2014 - 2:32 pm

    This looks so good! We had something similar served at our utah reception. SO yummy!ReplyCancel

  • NatalieFebruary 14, 2014 - 3:01 pm

    I’ve never been to the greenery! But this looks amazing! I’ll be making it next girls night for sure!ReplyCancel

  • Briton AloFebruary 14, 2014 - 3:35 pm

    This sounds so good! Especially with the curry- thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Kristina ManscillFebruary 14, 2014 - 3:54 pm

    YUM! I’m going to have to stop by the Greenery restaurant next time I’m in Ogden! I’ve never even heard if it!ReplyCancel

  • Summer RumseyFebruary 18, 2014 - 8:01 pm

    This looks so good – I have a recipe similar to it but my dressing is a bit different – now I am craving some!ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Turkey Salad Croissant Recipe – The Greenery Restaurant

If you ever make it to the Ogden Valley in Utah, one of the places you must stop by is The Greenery Restaurant.  It is nested up against the Wasatch Mountains at the mouth of the Ogden Canyon.  The surrounding area is beautiful and this restaurant is so tasty, especially their Turkey Salad Croissant.

I have been going to this restaurant since I was a kid and ever since I can remember, the Turkey Croissant has been my choice!  It is a fresh-tasting turkey salad mixture served on a huge croissant and gives you the option of sprouts, lettuce, and tomatoes to put on it.  I love it!  This is a great recipe to serve at lady luncheons, but guess what?  My husband loves this too!
I am sharing the recipe with you today, lucky you!
This recipe makes about 30 large croissants, perfect for parties, wedding showers, baby showers, etc.  I usually half the recipe when I make it for my family and we have leftovers for days!
Turkey Salad Croissants
(The Greenery Restaurant)
yield 30 large croissants
2.5 Cups Real Mayonaise
3 Cucumbers (cubed)
1 Cup Green Onions (2 or 3 bunches)
1/2 Cup Celery (cubed)
1 tsp. White Pepper
1 tsp. Curry Powder
2 Cups Cashews (halves or bits)
4.5 lbs. Turkey Breast (deli .5″ slices then cut in cubes)

In a large bowl mix mayo, cucumbers, celery, green onions, white pepper, and curry powder together and blend well.Before serving add turkey and cashews.  Serve in large croissants.

Remember to drop by the Greenery when you make it to the Ogden area.  Did I mention they have a fun gift shop attached called, “Rainbow Gardens”?  Also, you MUST order a Mormon Muffin while you are there, they are famous for them!  Hope you enjoy your Turkey Croissants!
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  • JessecaFebruary 14, 2014 - 2:32 pm

    This looks so good! We had something similar served at our utah reception. SO yummy!ReplyCancel

  • NatalieFebruary 14, 2014 - 3:01 pm

    I’ve never been to the greenery! But this looks amazing! I’ll be making it next girls night for sure!ReplyCancel

  • Briton AloFebruary 14, 2014 - 3:35 pm

    This sounds so good! Especially with the curry- thanks for sharing!ReplyCancel

  • Kristina ManscillFebruary 14, 2014 - 3:54 pm

    YUM! I’m going to have to stop by the Greenery restaurant next time I’m in Ogden! I’ve never even heard if it!ReplyCancel

  • Summer RumseyFebruary 18, 2014 - 8:01 pm

    This looks so good – I have a recipe similar to it but my dressing is a bit different – now I am craving some!ReplyCancel


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