
I’ll Be at Pinners Conference + Discount Code

I am so excited to be telling you all that I will be presenting two classes at Pinners Conference this year!  I have teamed up with IKEA and Staci from The Potters-Place and we will be having two make-and-take classes.  These classes are free

(aside from the entry fee).  You will not need to pay more money to come and make something in our classes!

If you don’t already know, IKEA is one of my favorite places ever!  They have agreed to let us give a class on how to make these ruffled lamp shades, and yes, you will be taking one home with you!!
For our other class we will be making a Christmas Advent Calendar!  IKEA has so many fun items to work with and especially now because they have a new paper line that is soooo much fun!

I would be so ecstatic if you came to one (or both) of our classes!  One will be Friday, November 7th at 7:30pm and the other is on Saturday, November 8th at 3:30pm. 

What’s even more exciting is that you can get $5 off of your ticket if you use the code:
To sign up click HERE – hope to see you there!
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  • penny dotyOctober 30, 2014 - 6:41 pm

    Congratulations, I hope you have a wonderful turn out. GOD blessReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

I’ll Be at Pinners Conference + Discount Code

I am so excited to be telling you all that I will be presenting two classes at Pinners Conference this year!  I have teamed up with IKEA and Staci from The Potters-Place and we will be having two make-and-take classes.  These classes are free

(aside from the entry fee).  You will not need to pay more money to come and make something in our classes!

If you don’t already know, IKEA is one of my favorite places ever!  They have agreed to let us give a class on how to make these ruffled lamp shades, and yes, you will be taking one home with you!!
For our other class we will be making a Christmas Advent Calendar!  IKEA has so many fun items to work with and especially now because they have a new paper line that is soooo much fun!

I would be so ecstatic if you came to one (or both) of our classes!  One will be Friday, November 7th at 7:30pm and the other is on Saturday, November 8th at 3:30pm. 

What’s even more exciting is that you can get $5 off of your ticket if you use the code:
To sign up click HERE – hope to see you there!
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  • penny dotyOctober 30, 2014 - 6:41 pm

    Congratulations, I hope you have a wonderful turn out. GOD blessReplyCancel


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