
DIY Felt Bows – for multiple uses!

Having two girls you know that I love bows.  While bows are super-girlie, they can also be used for other things other than hair.  I have put together some ideas where you can use these easy to make DIY

felt bows for other fun ideas.  I have even included a pattern for you at the end of this post!

I have been having so much fun making these bows.  We all know that I had to make some for my girls’ hair.
Since Fall is here, I added a felt bow to my wreath which will be perfect for Thanksgiving!
**Here is a little side note: When making these bows I suggest using felt off of the bolt.  The quality is better than the 8.5″ x 11″ sheets you can get at the craft store.  Plus, it is thicker!
 Speaking of Thanksgiving, are any of you in charge of setting the table?  I thought these cute bow napkin rings would be the perfect way to bring some color to your table setting!
 After making a few bows I was looking around my home for other items that I can embellish and decided this plain, green pillow needed a bow too!

There are plenty of ways to bring bows into your upcoming Christmas decor.  I decided that red, glittery bows are so dang cute on presents!
And they’re kind of great because the receiver of these gifts can keep the felt bows and recycle them!
This next project might be my most favorite of all!  I absolutely love decorating my home with garlands.  What do you all think of this felt bow garland?

These felt bows are really easy to make.  Don’t worry, there is no sewing involved!  All you need is a little felt, hot glue, and this free downloadable bow pattern that I have provided for you! 
Check out this Video where I show and talk about them on Studio 5

You may find yourself addicted to making felt bows.
I thought it would also be fun to add bows to:
tote bag
lamp shade
picture frame
table runner

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  • My Life as A PlateOctober 29, 2014 - 2:34 pm

    Love all of these bow DIYs, I esp. love using the bow on a napkin.ReplyCancel

  • DevanieOctober 29, 2014 - 7:17 pm

    Love these! Where do you buy your felt? The pics make it look like a really thick felt.ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

DIY Felt Bows – for multiple uses!

Having two girls you know that I love bows.  While bows are super-girlie, they can also be used for other things other than hair.  I have put together some ideas where you can use these easy to make DIY

felt bows for other fun ideas.  I have even included a pattern for you at the end of this post!

I have been having so much fun making these bows.  We all know that I had to make some for my girls’ hair.
Since Fall is here, I added a felt bow to my wreath which will be perfect for Thanksgiving!
**Here is a little side note: When making these bows I suggest using felt off of the bolt.  The quality is better than the 8.5″ x 11″ sheets you can get at the craft store.  Plus, it is thicker!
 Speaking of Thanksgiving, are any of you in charge of setting the table?  I thought these cute bow napkin rings would be the perfect way to bring some color to your table setting!
 After making a few bows I was looking around my home for other items that I can embellish and decided this plain, green pillow needed a bow too!

There are plenty of ways to bring bows into your upcoming Christmas decor.  I decided that red, glittery bows are so dang cute on presents!
And they’re kind of great because the receiver of these gifts can keep the felt bows and recycle them!
This next project might be my most favorite of all!  I absolutely love decorating my home with garlands.  What do you all think of this felt bow garland?

These felt bows are really easy to make.  Don’t worry, there is no sewing involved!  All you need is a little felt, hot glue, and this free downloadable bow pattern that I have provided for you! 
Check out this Video where I show and talk about them on Studio 5

You may find yourself addicted to making felt bows.
I thought it would also be fun to add bows to:
tote bag
lamp shade
picture frame
table runner

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  • My Life as A PlateOctober 29, 2014 - 2:34 pm

    Love all of these bow DIYs, I esp. love using the bow on a napkin.ReplyCancel

  • DevanieOctober 29, 2014 - 7:17 pm

    Love these! Where do you buy your felt? The pics make it look like a really thick felt.ReplyCancel


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