
How We Shop IKEA

IKEA!!  Have you ever been there?  If you have, do you have a certain way to shop there?  As you probably know by now, IKEA is a frequent word in my vocabulary and on my blog.  Every time I get to go I get so excited!

My friend Staci @ The Potters Place and I shop IKEA frequently and we thought we would take you on our escapade and give you tips on how to make the most of your IKEA experience!  Watch our video…

When I get to IKEA every time I first grab a fun shopping cart and grab a catalog.  I take the girls with me to the potty which is the family bathroom, it makes life so much easier to all go in the same bathroom!
If I don’t put the kids in the daycare they have there (which is free), I let them come with me and we start upstairs.  Upstairs is basically the showroom where they have everything set up for you to give you ideas and inspiration.  The restaurant is also upstairs so we usually grab something to eat and take a rest and another bathroom break.  One time I forgot diapers for my 1 year old and IKEA saved the day!  They have free diapers in the family bathroom; so kid-friendly!
We then travel downstairs and get our shop on.  I love all the wonderful things they have.  
One spot at IKEA that I can’t wait to check out is the seasonal area, right before the checkout lines.  This area has all of the seasonal items and they go pretty fast so sometimes I like to peek in there before I even start the store!  
After checking out I go in the food section.  I usually leave with a cinnamon roll, yum!

Are you signed up for the IKEA family member?  It is free and offers many peres and fabulous deals.  Next time you are there, make sure to stop by the kiosk and sign up!

If you know me, you know IKEA is like Disneyland to me!  Here are some other things I have done with IKEA items…

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  • Ryan & ShambrayFebruary 6, 2014 - 10:43 pm

    You guys are too cute! Love it!ReplyCancel

  • The Happy GalFebruary 7, 2014 - 3:34 am

    What a fun post! Thanks for the introduction to Ikea. Confession: I’ve never even been to there! You’re making me want to make the trip.ReplyCancel

  • HoneybeeFebruary 8, 2014 - 12:34 am

    Too cute! I see many more movies in the future for you 2.ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

How We Shop IKEA

IKEA!!  Have you ever been there?  If you have, do you have a certain way to shop there?  As you probably know by now, IKEA is a frequent word in my vocabulary and on my blog.  Every time I get to go I get so excited!

My friend Staci @ The Potters Place and I shop IKEA frequently and we thought we would take you on our escapade and give you tips on how to make the most of your IKEA experience!  Watch our video…

When I get to IKEA every time I first grab a fun shopping cart and grab a catalog.  I take the girls with me to the potty which is the family bathroom, it makes life so much easier to all go in the same bathroom!
If I don’t put the kids in the daycare they have there (which is free), I let them come with me and we start upstairs.  Upstairs is basically the showroom where they have everything set up for you to give you ideas and inspiration.  The restaurant is also upstairs so we usually grab something to eat and take a rest and another bathroom break.  One time I forgot diapers for my 1 year old and IKEA saved the day!  They have free diapers in the family bathroom; so kid-friendly!
We then travel downstairs and get our shop on.  I love all the wonderful things they have.  
One spot at IKEA that I can’t wait to check out is the seasonal area, right before the checkout lines.  This area has all of the seasonal items and they go pretty fast so sometimes I like to peek in there before I even start the store!  
After checking out I go in the food section.  I usually leave with a cinnamon roll, yum!

Are you signed up for the IKEA family member?  It is free and offers many peres and fabulous deals.  Next time you are there, make sure to stop by the kiosk and sign up!

If you know me, you know IKEA is like Disneyland to me!  Here are some other things I have done with IKEA items…

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  • Ryan & ShambrayFebruary 6, 2014 - 10:43 pm

    You guys are too cute! Love it!ReplyCancel

  • The Happy GalFebruary 7, 2014 - 3:34 am

    What a fun post! Thanks for the introduction to Ikea. Confession: I’ve never even been to there! You’re making me want to make the trip.ReplyCancel

  • HoneybeeFebruary 8, 2014 - 12:34 am

    Too cute! I see many more movies in the future for you 2.ReplyCancel


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