
OOPS! Typos…

The other day while browsing through Pinterest, I came across my pin for the Williams-Sonoma inspired Christmas Stockings I made back in December.  Something caught my eye that I hadn’t noticed before…

Oops!  Typos…I hate them!  “Willams”-Sonoma.  I consider myself to be a pretty observant person when it comes to typing, especially when making collages, etc. for my blog/Pinterest.  This one slipped by me for some reason, I’m blaming it on the fact that I posted this shortly before Christmas and I was scatter-brained!
Anyhow, even after this post was visited a number of times and pinned on Pinterest, nobody notified me of this mistake.  Did others not notice?  Did they just not want to tell me thinking they’d hurt my feelings or embarrass me?  Haha!  I don’t know. but I’m glad I finally noticed and got it taken care of…

Now, this brings up another issue I had a few months ago.  Back last year I posted about the home made laundry detergent I made.  I mentioned that this home made recipe helped with my girls’ eczema.  Except I spelled it exema, or something like that. But I received a comment on this post from an unknown reader that said “You spelled eczema wrong”.  That’s it.  “Hmmm…”  I thought.  “That’s kind of rude.”  She didn’t say anything about the post except for the error she found.  I quickly went back to the post and edited my spelling error, then forgot about it.  Well, after realizing my Williams-Sonoma error 6 months late, I have come to appreciate the Grammar Girl’s comment on my mispelling eczema.  So if you’re reading this, thanks!  Even though you mentioned nothing else!

I realize I’m human and am bound to make mistakes.  Please feel free to let me know if you spot any errors on my blog whether they be mispellings, grammar, broken links, etc.  I hate when I make typos and would rather you tell me than look like someone who doesn’t know how to spell!  One of my besties is an English teacher, maybe I should just have her start proof-reading my posts before I post them, hee hee!  🙂

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    OOPS! Typos…

    The other day while browsing through Pinterest, I came across my pin for the Williams-Sonoma inspired Christmas Stockings I made back in December.  Something caught my eye that I hadn’t noticed before…

    Oops!  Typos…I hate them!  “Willams”-Sonoma.  I consider myself to be a pretty observant person when it comes to typing, especially when making collages, etc. for my blog/Pinterest.  This one slipped by me for some reason, I’m blaming it on the fact that I posted this shortly before Christmas and I was scatter-brained!
    Anyhow, even after this post was visited a number of times and pinned on Pinterest, nobody notified me of this mistake.  Did others not notice?  Did they just not want to tell me thinking they’d hurt my feelings or embarrass me?  Haha!  I don’t know. but I’m glad I finally noticed and got it taken care of…

    Now, this brings up another issue I had a few months ago.  Back last year I posted about the home made laundry detergent I made.  I mentioned that this home made recipe helped with my girls’ eczema.  Except I spelled it exema, or something like that. But I received a comment on this post from an unknown reader that said “You spelled eczema wrong”.  That’s it.  “Hmmm…”  I thought.  “That’s kind of rude.”  She didn’t say anything about the post except for the error she found.  I quickly went back to the post and edited my spelling error, then forgot about it.  Well, after realizing my Williams-Sonoma error 6 months late, I have come to appreciate the Grammar Girl’s comment on my mispelling eczema.  So if you’re reading this, thanks!  Even though you mentioned nothing else!

    I realize I’m human and am bound to make mistakes.  Please feel free to let me know if you spot any errors on my blog whether they be mispellings, grammar, broken links, etc.  I hate when I make typos and would rather you tell me than look like someone who doesn’t know how to spell!  One of my besties is an English teacher, maybe I should just have her start proof-reading my posts before I post them, hee hee!  🙂

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