
4 Tips for Making Curtains Look Good

I am so glad I decided to hang curtains in my bedroom.  Although I already have shutters, the curtains added warmth and comfort, something my shutters couldn’t alone provide.  I learned a few tips & tricks through my curtain adventure in my Sweet Master Makeover that I’d like to share with you.

Curtain tip #1, keep it simple.  At first I really wanted cute, colorful, patterned curtains.  However, the more I looked for the ‘perfect’ print, the more I decided to just keep it simple.  Afterall, I wanted my bed to be the focal point of my room, not the window.  And where my shutters are white and already have a ‘striped-like’ print to them, I thought it might be too much to bring in color and another print.  The white is fresh and perfect.

Curtain tip #2, hang from ceiling.  This has become a really popular tip.  Hanging curtains so that they go from the ceiling down to your baseboard makes your ceilings seem taller.  Now, if your curtains aren’t long enough to reach your base board from your ceiling, bring them down until they do.  My baseboards are white and so I was able to hang my curtains high enough so that the curtains came to just under the top of my baseboards.  This blends the two together really well so there isn’t a tan gap from my wall between them.

Curtain tip #3, get rid of wrinkles.  This is obvious, right?  You don’t want wrinkly curtains, but at the same time, who wants to iron curtains??  When I got my Ikea curtains out of the package, there were wrinkles where it had been folded up.  After hanging my curtains, I took a spray bottle and sprayed them.  I then took my hands and ran them down the wrinkles until they were gone.  When the water dried, my wrinkles disappeared.  It looks as if I ironed them but why in the world would I have done that?!

Curtain tip #4, paint the hardware.  If you have a wide window like me, you will need three hardware that will hang your curtains.  Two on the sides and one in the middle.  Well, when I put my middle one up, it stuck out like a sore thumb and it kinda bugged me.  So, I took the same paint as my wall and painted over the hardware that was up against the wall so that it blended in.  As you can see in the picture below, it made a huge difference!

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Hey, I'm Kami!

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Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

4 Tips for Making Curtains Look Good

I am so glad I decided to hang curtains in my bedroom.  Although I already have shutters, the curtains added warmth and comfort, something my shutters couldn’t alone provide.  I learned a few tips & tricks through my curtain adventure in my Sweet Master Makeover that I’d like to share with you.

Curtain tip #1, keep it simple.  At first I really wanted cute, colorful, patterned curtains.  However, the more I looked for the ‘perfect’ print, the more I decided to just keep it simple.  Afterall, I wanted my bed to be the focal point of my room, not the window.  And where my shutters are white and already have a ‘striped-like’ print to them, I thought it might be too much to bring in color and another print.  The white is fresh and perfect.

Curtain tip #2, hang from ceiling.  This has become a really popular tip.  Hanging curtains so that they go from the ceiling down to your baseboard makes your ceilings seem taller.  Now, if your curtains aren’t long enough to reach your base board from your ceiling, bring them down until they do.  My baseboards are white and so I was able to hang my curtains high enough so that the curtains came to just under the top of my baseboards.  This blends the two together really well so there isn’t a tan gap from my wall between them.

Curtain tip #3, get rid of wrinkles.  This is obvious, right?  You don’t want wrinkly curtains, but at the same time, who wants to iron curtains??  When I got my Ikea curtains out of the package, there were wrinkles where it had been folded up.  After hanging my curtains, I took a spray bottle and sprayed them.  I then took my hands and ran them down the wrinkles until they were gone.  When the water dried, my wrinkles disappeared.  It looks as if I ironed them but why in the world would I have done that?!

Curtain tip #4, paint the hardware.  If you have a wide window like me, you will need three hardware that will hang your curtains.  Two on the sides and one in the middle.  Well, when I put my middle one up, it stuck out like a sore thumb and it kinda bugged me.  So, I took the same paint as my wall and painted over the hardware that was up against the wall so that it blended in.  As you can see in the picture below, it made a huge difference!

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