
3 Quick and Healthy Snacks Under 300 Calories

I was able to lose 10 pounds over the holiday season instead of gaining it just by changing a few of my eating habits.  See how I did that HERE.  I am sharing a few of the meals I eat with you below, but here are a few more suggestions:
Also, see my 7-day healthy meal plan HERE. 

Greek Yogurt with Granola.
(280 calories, 15g protein, 40g carbs, 7g fat)
There are three brands of Greek Yogurt that I usually buy.  The Kroger brand is usually around .80 cents.  The Yoplait and Dannon are usually on sale for $1 each.  If they are not on sale I don’t buy them because I am just as happy with the Kroger. 
I add 1/4 cup of the Bear Naked Vanilla Almond Crunch that I buy at Walmart to my yogurt and it is super-yummy!

Rice Cake with Vanilla Greek Yogurt.
(290 calories, 23g protein, 27g carbs, 8g fat)

Rice cakes.  Yuck!  That was your first thought, right?  I happen to love these ones.  They are Quaker Carmel Corn rice cakes.  They are only 50 calories and I promise, they aren’t gross.

I pair the rice cake with 1 cup of Kroger’s Vanilla Greek Nonfat Yogurt. Whenever I go to the store, I buy (4) of these (they are the big carton) and they last me a week!  I use this yogurt in my protein smoothie HERE, and also put it in my children’s smoothies too.  The nutritional facts are great and better than some of the leading brands.  Anyways, I dip the rice cake in the yogurt, add a few almonds to this, and it makes the perfect meal!  Here is the yogurt I buy 4 of:

Cottage Cheese Ranch Dip with Veggies & Crackers.
(230 calories, 23g protein, 26g carbs, 5g fat)
 This is such a yummy snack.  First of all, don’t you love how I use my children’s dishes for all of my snacks?  They are the perfect portion size!  Anyways, all you do is take 1/3 Cup of low fat cottage cheese, mix it with 1 tsp of Hidden Valley salad dressing mix.  Cut up a few veggies and serve with some whole wheat crackers.  It tastes delish!
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  • Capturing Joy with Kristen DukeJanuary 28, 2014 - 6:16 am

    love these ideas. I have to force down cottage cheese, but I think i’d like it with ranch seasoning. so I’m wondering if you aim for 6 meals or 3 meals and 3 snacks. It’s hard to differentiate, but I see those on this post as snacks….i guess it’s a meal if it’s 300 calories?? what about oatmeal, do you eat it? Trying to find a good recipe, and often frustrated at the high carb content, but I know it’s so good for me, and need to stop thinking about that.ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

3 Quick and Healthy Snacks Under 300 Calories

I was able to lose 10 pounds over the holiday season instead of gaining it just by changing a few of my eating habits.  See how I did that HERE.  I am sharing a few of the meals I eat with you below, but here are a few more suggestions:
Also, see my 7-day healthy meal plan HERE. 

Greek Yogurt with Granola.
(280 calories, 15g protein, 40g carbs, 7g fat)
There are three brands of Greek Yogurt that I usually buy.  The Kroger brand is usually around .80 cents.  The Yoplait and Dannon are usually on sale for $1 each.  If they are not on sale I don’t buy them because I am just as happy with the Kroger. 
I add 1/4 cup of the Bear Naked Vanilla Almond Crunch that I buy at Walmart to my yogurt and it is super-yummy!

Rice Cake with Vanilla Greek Yogurt.
(290 calories, 23g protein, 27g carbs, 8g fat)

Rice cakes.  Yuck!  That was your first thought, right?  I happen to love these ones.  They are Quaker Carmel Corn rice cakes.  They are only 50 calories and I promise, they aren’t gross.

I pair the rice cake with 1 cup of Kroger’s Vanilla Greek Nonfat Yogurt. Whenever I go to the store, I buy (4) of these (they are the big carton) and they last me a week!  I use this yogurt in my protein smoothie HERE, and also put it in my children’s smoothies too.  The nutritional facts are great and better than some of the leading brands.  Anyways, I dip the rice cake in the yogurt, add a few almonds to this, and it makes the perfect meal!  Here is the yogurt I buy 4 of:

Cottage Cheese Ranch Dip with Veggies & Crackers.
(230 calories, 23g protein, 26g carbs, 5g fat)
 This is such a yummy snack.  First of all, don’t you love how I use my children’s dishes for all of my snacks?  They are the perfect portion size!  Anyways, all you do is take 1/3 Cup of low fat cottage cheese, mix it with 1 tsp of Hidden Valley salad dressing mix.  Cut up a few veggies and serve with some whole wheat crackers.  It tastes delish!
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  • Capturing Joy with Kristen DukeJanuary 28, 2014 - 6:16 am

    love these ideas. I have to force down cottage cheese, but I think i’d like it with ranch seasoning. so I’m wondering if you aim for 6 meals or 3 meals and 3 snacks. It’s hard to differentiate, but I see those on this post as snacks….i guess it’s a meal if it’s 300 calories?? what about oatmeal, do you eat it? Trying to find a good recipe, and often frustrated at the high carb content, but I know it’s so good for me, and need to stop thinking about that.ReplyCancel


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