
DIY Glass Ball Ornament – GLASS ROCKS!

Glass Rocks!  Yes, glass does rock, but I mean…these are made from Glass Rocks!  Ya know, the ones that are used as vase fillers?  This is one of my favorite ideas because it can be so versatile!  If you want to add color to this darling ornament, just fill it with some colored tinsel by taking the top off and stuffing it in!  I love the texture of this ornament and LOVE how it glistens under the lights of my tree.  
Here’s what you do:
Buy a package of clear, glass rocks usually found in the floral section of your craft store.  I used the small ones.  Put a dab of hot glue onto the bottom of the rock, then place on the glass ball with LIGHT PRESSURE!  Important: it is important that you don’t press too hard because with the combination of heat + pressure, the glass ball will shatter right in your hand.  Yes, I know that from experience!  Just lightly press the rock down and continue putting the rocks on the ball spread out.
I originally wanted to cover the entire glass ball in these rocks but then it occurred to me, ‘THE ORNAMENT WILL BE TOO HEAVY TO HANG’ if it is covered in these rocks.  I didn’t try it, if you try it and it works let me know!  I also thought it would be fun to do different variations using this technique (i.e. Monogrammed letter, a heart shape, etc.)  I would love to see pictures of your creation if you do something different!
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Hey, I'm Kami!

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Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

DIY Glass Ball Ornament – GLASS ROCKS!

Glass Rocks!  Yes, glass does rock, but I mean…these are made from Glass Rocks!  Ya know, the ones that are used as vase fillers?  This is one of my favorite ideas because it can be so versatile!  If you want to add color to this darling ornament, just fill it with some colored tinsel by taking the top off and stuffing it in!  I love the texture of this ornament and LOVE how it glistens under the lights of my tree.  
Here’s what you do:
Buy a package of clear, glass rocks usually found in the floral section of your craft store.  I used the small ones.  Put a dab of hot glue onto the bottom of the rock, then place on the glass ball with LIGHT PRESSURE!  Important: it is important that you don’t press too hard because with the combination of heat + pressure, the glass ball will shatter right in your hand.  Yes, I know that from experience!  Just lightly press the rock down and continue putting the rocks on the ball spread out.
I originally wanted to cover the entire glass ball in these rocks but then it occurred to me, ‘THE ORNAMENT WILL BE TOO HEAVY TO HANG’ if it is covered in these rocks.  I didn’t try it, if you try it and it works let me know!  I also thought it would be fun to do different variations using this technique (i.e. Monogrammed letter, a heart shape, etc.)  I would love to see pictures of your creation if you do something different!
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