
Refashion – Easy Lace Shirt DIY

I never knew taking a plain tee shirt and doing a little refashion could make it that much more fun to wear!  I am sorry I did not include a tutorial for this Easy Lace Shirt, but it’s pretty much self-explanatory!  

Basically, you just use your favorite t-shirt.  My favorite tee is from Downeast (on sale $10.99).  I’ve had this for about 6 months and haven’t even worn it because I thought it was too plain.  Over the summer I found 5 yds of this adorable lace at a yard sale for $1!!  I knew it would come in handy!
Just lay the lace on top of the front & center of your shirt.  Cut it to the length.  Then simply stitch around the edges!  I folded about 1/2 of lace over the top of the neck and bottom of the shirt to finish it off.  Easy Peasy!  I can’t wait to do this with more of my shirts!
Have you made an easy lace shirt?  I would love to see it!  I have seen so many fun variety of lace at JoAnn’s. 
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Hey, I'm Kami!

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Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Refashion – Easy Lace Shirt DIY

I never knew taking a plain tee shirt and doing a little refashion could make it that much more fun to wear!  I am sorry I did not include a tutorial for this Easy Lace Shirt, but it’s pretty much self-explanatory!  

Basically, you just use your favorite t-shirt.  My favorite tee is from Downeast (on sale $10.99).  I’ve had this for about 6 months and haven’t even worn it because I thought it was too plain.  Over the summer I found 5 yds of this adorable lace at a yard sale for $1!!  I knew it would come in handy!
Just lay the lace on top of the front & center of your shirt.  Cut it to the length.  Then simply stitch around the edges!  I folded about 1/2 of lace over the top of the neck and bottom of the shirt to finish it off.  Easy Peasy!  I can’t wait to do this with more of my shirts!
Have you made an easy lace shirt?  I would love to see it!  I have seen so many fun variety of lace at JoAnn’s. 
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