
Today I am thankful…

When was the last time you laughed so hard that you couldn’t breathe? Where tears were rolling off your face and you were left with no make-up? And you just kept laughing because the fact that you were laughing so hard was so funny and your partner kept making you laugh ’cause they were laughing. Do you remember when the last time was?

Well, mine was last night! I wish I could say this happened on a daily basis because I do believe that laughter is the best medicine! My husband and I were studying for one of his tests and something halarious happened! I started laughing and so did he. It only got funnier from there because I was laughing so hard that I wasn’t even making noise ’cause I couldn’t breathe! Before I knew it, my make-up was completely off of my face and I just kept laughing. Seriously about 5 minutes later I settled down. It felt so good! I love laughing! I am so grateful for the things in life that make me laugh…mostly my hubby and my sweet Charli! 🙂

Laughing is Contagious…
Pass on your happiness

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Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Today I am thankful…

When was the last time you laughed so hard that you couldn’t breathe? Where tears were rolling off your face and you were left with no make-up? And you just kept laughing because the fact that you were laughing so hard was so funny and your partner kept making you laugh ’cause they were laughing. Do you remember when the last time was?

Well, mine was last night! I wish I could say this happened on a daily basis because I do believe that laughter is the best medicine! My husband and I were studying for one of his tests and something halarious happened! I started laughing and so did he. It only got funnier from there because I was laughing so hard that I wasn’t even making noise ’cause I couldn’t breathe! Before I knew it, my make-up was completely off of my face and I just kept laughing. Seriously about 5 minutes later I settled down. It felt so good! I love laughing! I am so grateful for the things in life that make me laugh…mostly my hubby and my sweet Charli! 🙂

Laughing is Contagious…
Pass on your happiness

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