Today was another good day. I am thankful for a few things today, but mostly for my sisters. I went to work for a few hours and did my little sister’s nails. She has been married for three short weeks and I feel like I don’t see her much anymore. It was so nice to be able to sit down with her and catch up and chat about her new life and her cute hubby! I love the relationship I have with my sisters. While at work, once a week, my older sister watches Charli for me. I am so grateful for this because if you have children and work, you know how difficult it can be to find someone to babysit. Charli loves going over to her house and playing with her aunt and her cousin, Lily.
Another thing I have realized today is how much I enjoy working with the girls I do. It is such an uplifting and positive environment and the girls are so sweet. They are all such great examples to me and I probably wouldn’t work there if I didn’t love going so much once a week! It’s nice to get out of the house and have some ‘adult conversations’ with other moms and wives!
One more thing I want to touch on is how grateful I am for naps! Sometimes I don’t think I could make it through the day without one! I am lucky I can still take one while Charli takes her afternoon nap and I realize I should enjoy this while I can! It’s great to wake up and feel energized again to get me through the rest of the day!
Same to you Kami! Your the greatest! umm ya and I forgot to pay you for my nails, i will get it to next time i see you!! Thanks!