
5 Most Popular Projects of 2012

I checked the stats of 2012 on the blog and here were your favorites:

This project went viral on Pinterest within 2 days of being posted on the blog.  It’s received three times as many views in 3 months than any other project I have ever posted!
This was one of my personal favorites!  Once I started thinking of things I could make from Paint Sticks, the ideas just kept on coming, and coming, and coming!
I enjoyed doing Re-Fashion Week on my blog this year.  Lace is so easy to make over any shirt!
I never thought there would be so many ways to make burlap table runners!
This is another one of my favorites this year.  I wear my sweater{s} all the time and I take pride in knowing that I spent less than $20 making my own!
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  • KariDecember 28, 2012 - 5:48 pm

    I LOVE your family Christmas card, and your adorable one of Charli for her teacher!!
    And your venting post was so real, and I Sooo can relate 🙂ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

5 Most Popular Projects of 2012

I checked the stats of 2012 on the blog and here were your favorites:

This project went viral on Pinterest within 2 days of being posted on the blog.  It’s received three times as many views in 3 months than any other project I have ever posted!
This was one of my personal favorites!  Once I started thinking of things I could make from Paint Sticks, the ideas just kept on coming, and coming, and coming!
I enjoyed doing Re-Fashion Week on my blog this year.  Lace is so easy to make over any shirt!
I never thought there would be so many ways to make burlap table runners!
This is another one of my favorites this year.  I wear my sweater{s} all the time and I take pride in knowing that I spent less than $20 making my own!
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  • KariDecember 28, 2012 - 5:48 pm

    I LOVE your family Christmas card, and your adorable one of Charli for her teacher!!
    And your venting post was so real, and I Sooo can relate 🙂ReplyCancel


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