
Direct Sales Joining a Team VS Joining Directly Under Corporate

direct sales joining a team
Before I joined my Direct Sales gig, I had a pre-notion.  The idea of MLM companies was nothing but a pyramid scheme in my mind where whoever joined directly under corporate or “the top of the pyramid” were the only ones that could be successful.  Basically, if you don’t get in right at the start, there’s no sense in joining.  This is wrong.  Now that I am in an MLM business and have seen first-hand how things play out and I have learned that what I previously thought was only just a myth.  I am writing this post for all those that are considering joining a direct sales company and will hopefully help you see why it’s important to know the difference between joining a team VS joining directly under corporate; and what I would choose if I were you!

The “join right at the start” myth.
What does ‘the start’ mean?  The first month?  The first few months?  The first year?  Any direct sales business takes time to take off, being at ground level could be the first 5 years!  Joining right at the beginning doesn’t necessarily mean that you join as soon as it launches.  Everyone always says to me, “Well you joined right at the start, right?” and I reply with, “it still is the start!” the DS business is just a year old.  You do not have to join “right at the start” to be successful in this business.  What you do need to know is what to do when you join!
joining a team
Joining under a team.
“If I join under a team then I’m ‘further down the line’.”  Why does this matter?  Your commission doesn’t decrease just because you have people above you!  You can make just as much as people above you if you do what it takes to make that kind of money.  I, without a doubt in my mind, always recommend that people join under a team for a number of reasons.  Here are just a few:

  • When you have a person (or persons) above you then you have someone to turn to.  If you have questions that need to be answered quicker than corporate gets around to their emails, this team leader can help.
  • Your team leader can mentor you and provide you with the resources needed to get you off to a great start.
  • Your team leader knows people.  Sometimes its who you know in the company’s community to help you be successful.
  • You will be trained by someone who has been where you have been before.  Because of this, they will tell you what things are worth doing and what things aren’t worth your time.  Plus, team leaders know how to do what you want to do, corporate will not have the knowledge and experience to get you where you want to be.

Joining directly under corporate.
“If I join by myself, not under a team, then I will be higher up”.  This is wrong, this is so wrong.  If you join directly under the company, you will be missing out on so many opportunities.  The opportunity to become close with other reps in the business, the opportunity to learn from a team, the opportunity to grow.  I promise, don’t do it.

How to choose a team.
You’ve decided to join a direct sales company and decided that joining a team is the best way to go.  So now how do you choose which leader to join under?  Do your research.  Who are you following on social media that is in the same business?  Which one of those people seems like a good leader?  Which one of these people can you relate to?  Even if they are a stranger to you a good leader will embrace new people who join their team and lead them just the same.

Email or message them and let them know you are interested.  Ask them questions and get an inside look at what being on their team is like.  It is worth investigating because this could be the difference of you succeeding or not.

In short, always go with joining a team.  You don’t want to join under the company solo and find out later down the road that you would have been a lot further ahead if you would have joined a team instead.

If you would like to know more about the Direct Sales company I am a part of you can read more about it HERE.  The company is going into their second year and has already over 5,000 representatives selling for the company.  My team is amazing and growing quickly.  I chose to join under an amazing upline who I turn to every day for advice.

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    Direct Sales Joining a Team VS Joining Directly Under Corporate

    direct sales joining a team
    Before I joined my Direct Sales gig, I had a pre-notion.  The idea of MLM companies was nothing but a pyramid scheme in my mind where whoever joined directly under corporate or “the top of the pyramid” were the only ones that could be successful.  Basically, if you don’t get in right at the start, there’s no sense in joining.  This is wrong.  Now that I am in an MLM business and have seen first-hand how things play out and I have learned that what I previously thought was only just a myth.  I am writing this post for all those that are considering joining a direct sales company and will hopefully help you see why it’s important to know the difference between joining a team VS joining directly under corporate; and what I would choose if I were you!

    The “join right at the start” myth.
    What does ‘the start’ mean?  The first month?  The first few months?  The first year?  Any direct sales business takes time to take off, being at ground level could be the first 5 years!  Joining right at the beginning doesn’t necessarily mean that you join as soon as it launches.  Everyone always says to me, “Well you joined right at the start, right?” and I reply with, “it still is the start!” the DS business is just a year old.  You do not have to join “right at the start” to be successful in this business.  What you do need to know is what to do when you join!
    joining a team
    Joining under a team.
    “If I join under a team then I’m ‘further down the line’.”  Why does this matter?  Your commission doesn’t decrease just because you have people above you!  You can make just as much as people above you if you do what it takes to make that kind of money.  I, without a doubt in my mind, always recommend that people join under a team for a number of reasons.  Here are just a few:

    • When you have a person (or persons) above you then you have someone to turn to.  If you have questions that need to be answered quicker than corporate gets around to their emails, this team leader can help.
    • Your team leader can mentor you and provide you with the resources needed to get you off to a great start.
    • Your team leader knows people.  Sometimes its who you know in the company’s community to help you be successful.
    • You will be trained by someone who has been where you have been before.  Because of this, they will tell you what things are worth doing and what things aren’t worth your time.  Plus, team leaders know how to do what you want to do, corporate will not have the knowledge and experience to get you where you want to be.

    Joining directly under corporate.
    “If I join by myself, not under a team, then I will be higher up”.  This is wrong, this is so wrong.  If you join directly under the company, you will be missing out on so many opportunities.  The opportunity to become close with other reps in the business, the opportunity to learn from a team, the opportunity to grow.  I promise, don’t do it.

    How to choose a team.
    You’ve decided to join a direct sales company and decided that joining a team is the best way to go.  So now how do you choose which leader to join under?  Do your research.  Who are you following on social media that is in the same business?  Which one of those people seems like a good leader?  Which one of these people can you relate to?  Even if they are a stranger to you a good leader will embrace new people who join their team and lead them just the same.

    Email or message them and let them know you are interested.  Ask them questions and get an inside look at what being on their team is like.  It is worth investigating because this could be the difference of you succeeding or not.

    In short, always go with joining a team.  You don’t want to join under the company solo and find out later down the road that you would have been a lot further ahead if you would have joined a team instead.

    If you would like to know more about the Direct Sales company I am a part of you can read more about it HERE.  The company is going into their second year and has already over 5,000 representatives selling for the company.  My team is amazing and growing quickly.  I chose to join under an amazing upline who I turn to every day for advice.

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