
Maskcara Makeup Makes Mornings Easier

maskcara makeup beauty
Maskcara Makeup Makes My Mornings Easier, say that 5 times fast!  No really though, I need to tell you how this makeup has changed my life.  “Can makeup really change your life or are you just exaggerating?”  Okay, life-changing might be overdoing it but I promise you, this makeup has honestly made my mornings easier.  Let me share with you some of the reasons why I love it.

First of all, prior to using Maskcara’s lllD Foundation I was using a drugstore brand liquid foundation.  I had been using it for years but never really considered using anything lighter.  I felt like I needed a heavy coverage because I had acne scarring that I had to cover up.  On top of the foundation I would add bronzer.  On top of that I would add blush.  On top of that I would put a translucent powder to set it all.  By the time I got done with my makeup I was wearing four layers on my face and was spending longer to apply my makeup then it took to curl my hair.  Things were getting out of hand and what made my mornings even more difficult was having my 18 month old daughter pulling on my shirt waiting for me to get ready!

maskcara makeup easier

Since making the switch to Maskcara makeup, it has taken me less time to get ready in the morning.  I have cut my makeup routine in half you guys!  Maskcara has made contouring an easy and quick process.  Not only that, but I am only wearing one layer of makeup on my face.  Because it is called lllD Foundation, you put each color on separately in it’s own spot on the face.  This  means you are not piling layer after layer of makeup on.  For this reason, my skin has never been better!  I don’t break out because the makeup is super-light, yet I am getting all the coverage I need and want.  Also, the ingredients in Maskcara are a lot better then the ingredients that were in my previous foundation.

maskcara quad compact

To sum up the reasons why it’s made my life easier is because it saves me time, it saves my face, it saves space, and it saves money!  Here are some other points to consider:

  • simplify makeup routine, process made easy
  • everything in one gorgeous palette / cut down on product hoarding
  • everything is customizable and interchangeable / singles pop in and out easily without tossing out a full palette
  • great on skin types and all coverage
  • Healthy conscious
    • paraben free
    • gluten free
    • non gmo
    • cruelty free
    • lead free

If you have not yet tried using Maskcara’s lllD Foundation to simplify your makeup routine, I suggest trying it.  You can contact me for a color match in person or online if you are not local to me.  All you need to do is take a picture of yourself without makeup on in natural light and I can help you choose which colors would be best for you.  The good thing about purchasing through as artist is that I can get you some deals that you cannot get ordering yourself.  Also, if you are not inlove with the colors we choose, Maskcara has a 30 day money back guarantee!

Feel free to contact me at with any questions.
maskcara makeup maskcara makeup

I love the makeup so much that I decided to become and Independent Maskcara Artist.  To read more about why I wanted to do that, read HERE.

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Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Maskcara Makeup Makes Mornings Easier

maskcara makeup beauty
Maskcara Makeup Makes My Mornings Easier, say that 5 times fast!  No really though, I need to tell you how this makeup has changed my life.  “Can makeup really change your life or are you just exaggerating?”  Okay, life-changing might be overdoing it but I promise you, this makeup has honestly made my mornings easier.  Let me share with you some of the reasons why I love it.

First of all, prior to using Maskcara’s lllD Foundation I was using a drugstore brand liquid foundation.  I had been using it for years but never really considered using anything lighter.  I felt like I needed a heavy coverage because I had acne scarring that I had to cover up.  On top of the foundation I would add bronzer.  On top of that I would add blush.  On top of that I would put a translucent powder to set it all.  By the time I got done with my makeup I was wearing four layers on my face and was spending longer to apply my makeup then it took to curl my hair.  Things were getting out of hand and what made my mornings even more difficult was having my 18 month old daughter pulling on my shirt waiting for me to get ready!

maskcara makeup easier

Since making the switch to Maskcara makeup, it has taken me less time to get ready in the morning.  I have cut my makeup routine in half you guys!  Maskcara has made contouring an easy and quick process.  Not only that, but I am only wearing one layer of makeup on my face.  Because it is called lllD Foundation, you put each color on separately in it’s own spot on the face.  This  means you are not piling layer after layer of makeup on.  For this reason, my skin has never been better!  I don’t break out because the makeup is super-light, yet I am getting all the coverage I need and want.  Also, the ingredients in Maskcara are a lot better then the ingredients that were in my previous foundation.

maskcara quad compact

To sum up the reasons why it’s made my life easier is because it saves me time, it saves my face, it saves space, and it saves money!  Here are some other points to consider:

  • simplify makeup routine, process made easy
  • everything in one gorgeous palette / cut down on product hoarding
  • everything is customizable and interchangeable / singles pop in and out easily without tossing out a full palette
  • great on skin types and all coverage
  • Healthy conscious
    • paraben free
    • gluten free
    • non gmo
    • cruelty free
    • lead free

If you have not yet tried using Maskcara’s lllD Foundation to simplify your makeup routine, I suggest trying it.  You can contact me for a color match in person or online if you are not local to me.  All you need to do is take a picture of yourself without makeup on in natural light and I can help you choose which colors would be best for you.  The good thing about purchasing through as artist is that I can get you some deals that you cannot get ordering yourself.  Also, if you are not inlove with the colors we choose, Maskcara has a 30 day money back guarantee!

Feel free to contact me at with any questions.
maskcara makeup maskcara makeup

I love the makeup so much that I decided to become and Independent Maskcara Artist.  To read more about why I wanted to do that, read HERE.

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