
Summer Reading Sticks

Summer reading sticks for kids. A new place to read listed on the stick for each new day. Great way to keep the kids motivated.We are a week into Summer here, at our home.  So far I feel like I have kept my girls on a good schedule as far as reading goes (lets see if I can keep it up for another 2 1/2 months!).  My little Kindergartener has learned so much this past school year, especially with reading.  I do not want her to lose everything she has gained, so I have been thinking of ways to keep her motivated to read.  These Summer reading sticks have [so far] done the trick.  The best thing is, it they only took me 5-10 minutes to make and I already had all the supplies!

I was inspired to make these Summer reading sticks after seeing this adorable Summer reading bingo idea.  I was out of ink on my printer and wanted to get things rolling immediately, so I just improvised and made these sticks instead.

Reading sticks - keep those kids reading throughout the summer with an idea on each stick for every day.Summer Reading Sticks

Basically, all you need is:

Popsicle sticks
Washi Tape

My girls helped me out with this.  First we tore some washi tape off and put it on the end of each stick.  I let them tell me fun places they would like to read throughout the Summer (i.e. on the trampoline, outside on a blanket, on mommy’s bed, etc.).  They told me their ideas and I wrote them on the washi tape.  Here are the ideas we came up with.
Summer reading sticks with ideas for places to read each day.

Place something in the jar so the sticks will stand up and so that the names of the places will be covered.
Each morning, before the girls can go play, they draw a stick from the jar.  Then they grab a few books and go to that place and read for 20 minutes.  Sometimes I will go with them and listen to them read.  With my preschooler, I will either read to her or let her look at the books and make up her own stories (she is really good at that!).  A lot of the books she has memorized because we have read them so much!  I also love Me Reader Books for her because it reads the book to her – seriously, such a great idea!

After the 20 minutes is done (I set an alarm), they put their books away and mark off on a chart that is from our local library.  Our library has a Summer reading program for kids.  For every 16 days they read, they can bring in their chart and choose a prize.  Throughout the Summer, they can get 3 prizes.  So when they are done reading everyday, they get to mark off on their chart.  Sometimes I will give them a package of smarties to eat for a reward.

We have our reading sticks sitting on top of our book shelf.
Summer reading idea for kids

If you are looking for a fun recycled jar idea to put your Summer reading sticks in, check this idea out HERE!
Fabric tin can recycle

I thought I would include a list of a few of my girls’ favorite books:

BOB Books
Jillee Bean and the One Good Thing
Little Critters Books
Me Reader Books

Have a Happy Summer!

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    Summer Reading Sticks

    Summer reading sticks for kids. A new place to read listed on the stick for each new day. Great way to keep the kids motivated.We are a week into Summer here, at our home.  So far I feel like I have kept my girls on a good schedule as far as reading goes (lets see if I can keep it up for another 2 1/2 months!).  My little Kindergartener has learned so much this past school year, especially with reading.  I do not want her to lose everything she has gained, so I have been thinking of ways to keep her motivated to read.  These Summer reading sticks have [so far] done the trick.  The best thing is, it they only took me 5-10 minutes to make and I already had all the supplies!

    I was inspired to make these Summer reading sticks after seeing this adorable Summer reading bingo idea.  I was out of ink on my printer and wanted to get things rolling immediately, so I just improvised and made these sticks instead.

    Reading sticks - keep those kids reading throughout the summer with an idea on each stick for every day.Summer Reading Sticks

    Basically, all you need is:

    Popsicle sticks
    Washi Tape

    My girls helped me out with this.  First we tore some washi tape off and put it on the end of each stick.  I let them tell me fun places they would like to read throughout the Summer (i.e. on the trampoline, outside on a blanket, on mommy’s bed, etc.).  They told me their ideas and I wrote them on the washi tape.  Here are the ideas we came up with.
    Summer reading sticks with ideas for places to read each day.

    Place something in the jar so the sticks will stand up and so that the names of the places will be covered.
    Each morning, before the girls can go play, they draw a stick from the jar.  Then they grab a few books and go to that place and read for 20 minutes.  Sometimes I will go with them and listen to them read.  With my preschooler, I will either read to her or let her look at the books and make up her own stories (she is really good at that!).  A lot of the books she has memorized because we have read them so much!  I also love Me Reader Books for her because it reads the book to her – seriously, such a great idea!

    After the 20 minutes is done (I set an alarm), they put their books away and mark off on a chart that is from our local library.  Our library has a Summer reading program for kids.  For every 16 days they read, they can bring in their chart and choose a prize.  Throughout the Summer, they can get 3 prizes.  So when they are done reading everyday, they get to mark off on their chart.  Sometimes I will give them a package of smarties to eat for a reward.

    We have our reading sticks sitting on top of our book shelf.
    Summer reading idea for kids

    If you are looking for a fun recycled jar idea to put your Summer reading sticks in, check this idea out HERE!
    Fabric tin can recycle

    I thought I would include a list of a few of my girls’ favorite books:

    BOB Books
    Jillee Bean and the One Good Thing
    Little Critters Books
    Me Reader Books

    Have a Happy Summer!

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