
Our Birth Story – Introducing Emma Jane Watson

It has taken me a while to want to get on my computer.  I have been holding and snuggling our sweet baby girl for the past 6 weeks!  I have been super-excited to tell you all about her and document for my sake her birth story.  I need to get it out in words before I forget – because it happened too quick!  Keep reading on for our birth story and introducing our sweet Emma Jane Watson.

Yes, Emma Jane Watson.  Emma Watson.  You may recognize the name.  We didn’t actually realize that she is a celebrity until after falling in love with the name!  We were debating back and forth for the whole 9 months between 3 or 4 names.  We wanted to keep it classic and timeless to fit our other girls’ names.  It wasn’t until we were filling out our discharge papers the morning we left the hospital that we made her name official!  Emma Jane is the name of my husband’s aunt and his great grandmothers’ names were Emma and Jane…go figure!

So the morning she was born was a surprise for us.  Everyone kept asking me, “Were your other girls early? On time? Did you get started?” I answered them with, “Well, my first was 2.5 weeks early and I got started on my due date with my second.  So…who knows!”  I was progressing at my appointments but the day before I delivered at my doctor appointment I hadn’t changed much from the week before.  I decided that I would just wait another week on my due date and get started then.  It was a busy time anyways; school was starting, end of summer…I figured that Emma would just come when she was ready and everything would just work itself out with the busy-ness.  That night after my appointment I took the girls for a walk in the jogger.  I had been exercising regularly my whole entire pregnancy and decided I would go on a brisk walk because it made me feel good.  We didn’t get too far and I started feeling really tired.  My legs were so weak and I found it odd since I had been so active before.  Instead of finishing our walk we just decided to stop at my sister’s house and hang out for a bit, and then head home and get ready for bed.  I got the girls in bed and got in a nice bath.  My 4 year old came out of her room and it was getting late.  She said she wanted to ‘snuggle with mom’.  I think that she ‘knew’ that her time with me and as the ‘baby’ was coming to an end.  I snuggled with her until she fell asleep, then I headed off to bed myself.

1:ooam – a kind of painful contraction woke me from my sleep.  I thought to myself, “was that a contraction?” then I looked at my phone and saw that it was 1:00am right on the dot.  I went back to sleep.  1:20am – another contraction woke me up.  I remembered that it had been 20 minutes and then went back to sleep.  1:40am – another one!  “Okay”, I thought, “these are getting pretty consistent”.  I went out in our living room and laid on the couch so I could track them if they kept coming.  12 minutes later I had another contraction and this time I had to get on my hands and knees.  They were getting stronger.  The next contraction after that was 10 minutes.  I decided I would go get in the bath and wake up my husband when they were 7 minutes apart.  It had only been an hour since having my first contraction, so I felt like things were moving quite quickly.

When I was in the bath my husband came in the bathroom with wide eyes and asked what was going on.  I said, “I think I’m in labor”.  By this time I had two contractions that were 7 minutes apart.  My hubby hopped in the shower and I got out and dressed and called my sweet sister-in-law to come over and be with the girls.  Luckily, she lives two roads over so she was there in a flash.  My contractions were 7 minutes apart still but getting quite strong.  Every time I had one I had to get on the ground like a dog!  I felt them in my lower abdomen.

Side note:  I had never felt a real contraction before.  With my first I had only felt braxton-hicks like contractions that were not painful and I got an epideral at 7 cm before they started getting painful.  With my second, I was started, and asked for my epideral when I was a 5 because I didn’t want to feel any pain!  It was only a few days prior to Emma’a birth that I told my sister, “I wouldn’t mind feeling what contractions feel like, since I’ve never felt any”…hmmmm 🙂

As we were in the car on the drive to the hospital, I wondered why I ever wanted to feel what they felt like, “just for fun”.  They were getting closer together and very hard!  I was beginning to think that I had waited too long to go to the hospital!!  It is about a 15-20 minute drive and I felt like we got there quicker than that!  Luckily, we didn’t get pulled over!  By the time we arrived to the hospital the contractions were 5 minutes apart.  I walked in all by myself and wondered how that even happened!  My hubby grabbed a wheelchair and we went to the second floor.  It was 3:30am.  I pre-registered but forgot my purse so had no I.D. and didn’t have my insurance card.  For some reason I thought by pre-registering we would get in fast but they were in nooooo hurry to get me back to a room!  UGH!

We waited for probably 10 minutes and while waiting I had 3 contractions.  They were now about 2-3 minutes apart.  Finally, they decided to get me back into a room.  “Put this gown on and give us a urine sample” the nurse said.  The minute I went into the bathroom I was on the floor with another, super-painful contraction.  “What can I do?” I asked the nurse.  I had never planned on ever giving birth naturally or ever wanted to so had never looked into techniques to deal with painful contractions!  🙂  The nurse continued to tell me to “just breath!”.  Easier said than done!

I was unable to sit on the toilet long enough to give a urine sample and was in too much pain to get dressed by myself!  Bless the nurse’s heart for helping me!  “When can I get my epideral?” I asked.  “Not until you have had a whole bag of fluid”.  “What?”  I thought.  “You’re kidding me!”  I felt like I was ready to push and I had to wait like 45 more minutes until I got my epideral?  …I wanted to die!

I finally got on the bed and they were starting the IV.  Contractions were every two minutes by this point and I swear every time I was right in the middle of one the nurse decided to start asking me questions about my history, health, etc!  “Do you smoke or have you ever done drugs?” she asked. “Um….errr…I don’t know?!”  My mind wasn’t in the right spot even though clearly the answer was ‘no’.  Luckily my husband chimed in and started answering for me!

I think the nurses finally realized that this labor was moving quicker than they thought.  I was only 1/2 way through my bag of fluid when they told the anasthesiologist to come in for the epideral.  As she was giving it to me, I said a prayer in my head, “Heavenly Father, PLEASE bless that I do not have a contraction while she is doing this!”  It worked, no contraction!  I was able to hold still long enough for her to put that big, huge needle in my spine!

About 10 minutes later, it started kicking in.  Awe…I was able to breath and actually look and talk to my husband for a brief moment.  Everything was happening so fast that I felt like I didn’t even have a ‘moment’ with him!  We called our parents and told them to come up.  “Maybe in the next hour or so”, he said, because basically, that’s what the nurses where telling us.  About 20 minutes later nurses started wheeling in all the equipment and as prepping for Emma’s arrival.  “The doctor is on his way.” a nurse said.  My husband and I looked at each other in shock.  ALREADY?

The doctor came in right after that, put on his gloves, and told me to start pushing!  Two pushes and she was here! “What?” I thought, “That was too quick and easy!”.  She was beautiful!  I love to look into those sweet little newborn eyes that were literally sent straight from heaven.  I couldn’t believe she was here and that she had come so fast!

5 minutes later I was holding her in my arms.  My parents came in and were expecting to see me still laboring, but instead, saw me holding their grandchild!  They were shocked they had missed it!  20 minutes later my husband’s parents came in and were surprised by the same sight.

It was a quick labor, about 4 hours.  We held and loved on her!  Like I said, everything happened so quickly that I feel like I didn’t have time to really take it all in.  I stayed in the hospital and was able to enjoy her.  It was great but I’d rather be home so right after 24 hours we left the hospital and brought her home.  Her sisters have been in heaven loving on their little baby sis.  They love her so much and it has been so wonderful to see them be filled with so much love and joy for her.

Meet Emma Jane Watson 🙂 one of my favorite DIYs!


Best Day Ever shirt


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  • PyperSeptember 29, 2015 - 3:31 pm

    Congrats on another perfect baby girl! Thanks for sharing your birth story 🙂 I honestly love hearing/reading birth stories. They make me tear up every time. Hope you and baby Emma are doing well 🙂ReplyCancel

    • sweetcharliSeptember 29, 2015 - 9:09 pm

      Thank you! I also love hearing all about birth stories, such a special time! We are doing good, thanks so much!ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Our Birth Story – Introducing Emma Jane Watson

It has taken me a while to want to get on my computer.  I have been holding and snuggling our sweet baby girl for the past 6 weeks!  I have been super-excited to tell you all about her and document for my sake her birth story.  I need to get it out in words before I forget – because it happened too quick!  Keep reading on for our birth story and introducing our sweet Emma Jane Watson.

Yes, Emma Jane Watson.  Emma Watson.  You may recognize the name.  We didn’t actually realize that she is a celebrity until after falling in love with the name!  We were debating back and forth for the whole 9 months between 3 or 4 names.  We wanted to keep it classic and timeless to fit our other girls’ names.  It wasn’t until we were filling out our discharge papers the morning we left the hospital that we made her name official!  Emma Jane is the name of my husband’s aunt and his great grandmothers’ names were Emma and Jane…go figure!

So the morning she was born was a surprise for us.  Everyone kept asking me, “Were your other girls early? On time? Did you get started?” I answered them with, “Well, my first was 2.5 weeks early and I got started on my due date with my second.  So…who knows!”  I was progressing at my appointments but the day before I delivered at my doctor appointment I hadn’t changed much from the week before.  I decided that I would just wait another week on my due date and get started then.  It was a busy time anyways; school was starting, end of summer…I figured that Emma would just come when she was ready and everything would just work itself out with the busy-ness.  That night after my appointment I took the girls for a walk in the jogger.  I had been exercising regularly my whole entire pregnancy and decided I would go on a brisk walk because it made me feel good.  We didn’t get too far and I started feeling really tired.  My legs were so weak and I found it odd since I had been so active before.  Instead of finishing our walk we just decided to stop at my sister’s house and hang out for a bit, and then head home and get ready for bed.  I got the girls in bed and got in a nice bath.  My 4 year old came out of her room and it was getting late.  She said she wanted to ‘snuggle with mom’.  I think that she ‘knew’ that her time with me and as the ‘baby’ was coming to an end.  I snuggled with her until she fell asleep, then I headed off to bed myself.

1:ooam – a kind of painful contraction woke me from my sleep.  I thought to myself, “was that a contraction?” then I looked at my phone and saw that it was 1:00am right on the dot.  I went back to sleep.  1:20am – another contraction woke me up.  I remembered that it had been 20 minutes and then went back to sleep.  1:40am – another one!  “Okay”, I thought, “these are getting pretty consistent”.  I went out in our living room and laid on the couch so I could track them if they kept coming.  12 minutes later I had another contraction and this time I had to get on my hands and knees.  They were getting stronger.  The next contraction after that was 10 minutes.  I decided I would go get in the bath and wake up my husband when they were 7 minutes apart.  It had only been an hour since having my first contraction, so I felt like things were moving quite quickly.

When I was in the bath my husband came in the bathroom with wide eyes and asked what was going on.  I said, “I think I’m in labor”.  By this time I had two contractions that were 7 minutes apart.  My hubby hopped in the shower and I got out and dressed and called my sweet sister-in-law to come over and be with the girls.  Luckily, she lives two roads over so she was there in a flash.  My contractions were 7 minutes apart still but getting quite strong.  Every time I had one I had to get on the ground like a dog!  I felt them in my lower abdomen.

Side note:  I had never felt a real contraction before.  With my first I had only felt braxton-hicks like contractions that were not painful and I got an epideral at 7 cm before they started getting painful.  With my second, I was started, and asked for my epideral when I was a 5 because I didn’t want to feel any pain!  It was only a few days prior to Emma’a birth that I told my sister, “I wouldn’t mind feeling what contractions feel like, since I’ve never felt any”…hmmmm 🙂

As we were in the car on the drive to the hospital, I wondered why I ever wanted to feel what they felt like, “just for fun”.  They were getting closer together and very hard!  I was beginning to think that I had waited too long to go to the hospital!!  It is about a 15-20 minute drive and I felt like we got there quicker than that!  Luckily, we didn’t get pulled over!  By the time we arrived to the hospital the contractions were 5 minutes apart.  I walked in all by myself and wondered how that even happened!  My hubby grabbed a wheelchair and we went to the second floor.  It was 3:30am.  I pre-registered but forgot my purse so had no I.D. and didn’t have my insurance card.  For some reason I thought by pre-registering we would get in fast but they were in nooooo hurry to get me back to a room!  UGH!

We waited for probably 10 minutes and while waiting I had 3 contractions.  They were now about 2-3 minutes apart.  Finally, they decided to get me back into a room.  “Put this gown on and give us a urine sample” the nurse said.  The minute I went into the bathroom I was on the floor with another, super-painful contraction.  “What can I do?” I asked the nurse.  I had never planned on ever giving birth naturally or ever wanted to so had never looked into techniques to deal with painful contractions!  🙂  The nurse continued to tell me to “just breath!”.  Easier said than done!

I was unable to sit on the toilet long enough to give a urine sample and was in too much pain to get dressed by myself!  Bless the nurse’s heart for helping me!  “When can I get my epideral?” I asked.  “Not until you have had a whole bag of fluid”.  “What?”  I thought.  “You’re kidding me!”  I felt like I was ready to push and I had to wait like 45 more minutes until I got my epideral?  …I wanted to die!

I finally got on the bed and they were starting the IV.  Contractions were every two minutes by this point and I swear every time I was right in the middle of one the nurse decided to start asking me questions about my history, health, etc!  “Do you smoke or have you ever done drugs?” she asked. “Um….errr…I don’t know?!”  My mind wasn’t in the right spot even though clearly the answer was ‘no’.  Luckily my husband chimed in and started answering for me!

I think the nurses finally realized that this labor was moving quicker than they thought.  I was only 1/2 way through my bag of fluid when they told the anasthesiologist to come in for the epideral.  As she was giving it to me, I said a prayer in my head, “Heavenly Father, PLEASE bless that I do not have a contraction while she is doing this!”  It worked, no contraction!  I was able to hold still long enough for her to put that big, huge needle in my spine!

About 10 minutes later, it started kicking in.  Awe…I was able to breath and actually look and talk to my husband for a brief moment.  Everything was happening so fast that I felt like I didn’t even have a ‘moment’ with him!  We called our parents and told them to come up.  “Maybe in the next hour or so”, he said, because basically, that’s what the nurses where telling us.  About 20 minutes later nurses started wheeling in all the equipment and as prepping for Emma’s arrival.  “The doctor is on his way.” a nurse said.  My husband and I looked at each other in shock.  ALREADY?

The doctor came in right after that, put on his gloves, and told me to start pushing!  Two pushes and she was here! “What?” I thought, “That was too quick and easy!”.  She was beautiful!  I love to look into those sweet little newborn eyes that were literally sent straight from heaven.  I couldn’t believe she was here and that she had come so fast!

5 minutes later I was holding her in my arms.  My parents came in and were expecting to see me still laboring, but instead, saw me holding their grandchild!  They were shocked they had missed it!  20 minutes later my husband’s parents came in and were surprised by the same sight.

It was a quick labor, about 4 hours.  We held and loved on her!  Like I said, everything happened so quickly that I feel like I didn’t have time to really take it all in.  I stayed in the hospital and was able to enjoy her.  It was great but I’d rather be home so right after 24 hours we left the hospital and brought her home.  Her sisters have been in heaven loving on their little baby sis.  They love her so much and it has been so wonderful to see them be filled with so much love and joy for her.

Meet Emma Jane Watson 🙂 one of my favorite DIYs!


Best Day Ever shirt


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  • PyperSeptember 29, 2015 - 3:31 pm

    Congrats on another perfect baby girl! Thanks for sharing your birth story 🙂 I honestly love hearing/reading birth stories. They make me tear up every time. Hope you and baby Emma are doing well 🙂ReplyCancel

    • sweetcharliSeptember 29, 2015 - 9:09 pm

      Thank you! I also love hearing all about birth stories, such a special time! We are doing good, thanks so much!ReplyCancel


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