
There’s Sunshine Free Printable

Oh there's sunshine free printable

Happy Spring everyone!  It is such a wonderful feeling to overcome the winter and enter into Spring where there is sunshine, beautiful new growth, and the earth is awakening and becoming bright again.  I am sharing this post with you today with a full, yet heavy heart.  There is a reason behind this printable and I think all of you can relate.  Read along as I share what’s been on my mind lately and you can find the There’s Sunshine free printable at the end.

Every time I hear sad news about someone I care about that’s all my mind can think about for days, maybe even weeks.  In the last few weeks I have had friends experience sad things and I just cannot imagine what some of them are going through.  How are some people so strong?  Why are some people more capable of handling these trials more than others? or, better yet, why are these people given more trials than others?  It makes my heart so sad to see people I love and care about so much have to fight these sad feelings.

Has your heart ever felt so sad for someone else that you wish you could make it all better?  With the click of a button on a remote, just wipe all the sadness away?  Even though we, as human beings are incapable of taking away other people’s sadnesses, there is a way that we can add a little sunlight to their day.  Anything can help; a text message, an email, a letter through the mail or a package full of goodies.  Sometimes just a hug with a smile can brighten someone’s day.

I remember years ago after I had just had my second daughter I was having a really hard time.  In that month I had a two year old in the hospital for RSV, gave birth a week later to my second child, was back in the hospital when she was three weeks old for her having RSV, and on top of all that, if you can imagine, suffered from Post Partum.  The days were dark, although outside it was normal.  I was sad, although there were so many blessings at that time.  One day, I had a knock on my door.  I answered, but nobody was there.  All that was left was a basket full of goodies including: ingredients to make cupcakes, a Mrs. Potato Head for my two year old, some treats, etc.  I took the basket in and my day was immediately brightened.  Someone was thinking of me.  I suddenly didn’t feel alone anymore.  After that day I vowed to remember how I felt at that moment and wanted to start doing more of this for other people.  Giving back to help others feel like they weren’t alone and that someone was thinking of them.

I am not the best at this but I try.  Every time I hear of someone going through a hard time I want to do something to make their day a little brighter.

Whether you send this printable via text message, email, or in a package, lets hope it brightens someones day.  Maybe they will put it on their fridge as a reminder that even through the toughest times there is still sunshine somewhere.  There are blessings all around us that sometimes we do not realize until the sun comes up.

To download this printable, click on the size.

There’s Sunshine free printable
4×6 blue

Oh there's sunshine free printable

or you can download the 4×6 white

May you all have a happy day filled with Sunshine!

If you liked this printable, I am sure you will love my Spring Brings New Growth Printable!

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    There’s Sunshine Free Printable

    Oh there's sunshine free printable

    Happy Spring everyone!  It is such a wonderful feeling to overcome the winter and enter into Spring where there is sunshine, beautiful new growth, and the earth is awakening and becoming bright again.  I am sharing this post with you today with a full, yet heavy heart.  There is a reason behind this printable and I think all of you can relate.  Read along as I share what’s been on my mind lately and you can find the There’s Sunshine free printable at the end.

    Every time I hear sad news about someone I care about that’s all my mind can think about for days, maybe even weeks.  In the last few weeks I have had friends experience sad things and I just cannot imagine what some of them are going through.  How are some people so strong?  Why are some people more capable of handling these trials more than others? or, better yet, why are these people given more trials than others?  It makes my heart so sad to see people I love and care about so much have to fight these sad feelings.

    Has your heart ever felt so sad for someone else that you wish you could make it all better?  With the click of a button on a remote, just wipe all the sadness away?  Even though we, as human beings are incapable of taking away other people’s sadnesses, there is a way that we can add a little sunlight to their day.  Anything can help; a text message, an email, a letter through the mail or a package full of goodies.  Sometimes just a hug with a smile can brighten someone’s day.

    I remember years ago after I had just had my second daughter I was having a really hard time.  In that month I had a two year old in the hospital for RSV, gave birth a week later to my second child, was back in the hospital when she was three weeks old for her having RSV, and on top of all that, if you can imagine, suffered from Post Partum.  The days were dark, although outside it was normal.  I was sad, although there were so many blessings at that time.  One day, I had a knock on my door.  I answered, but nobody was there.  All that was left was a basket full of goodies including: ingredients to make cupcakes, a Mrs. Potato Head for my two year old, some treats, etc.  I took the basket in and my day was immediately brightened.  Someone was thinking of me.  I suddenly didn’t feel alone anymore.  After that day I vowed to remember how I felt at that moment and wanted to start doing more of this for other people.  Giving back to help others feel like they weren’t alone and that someone was thinking of them.

    I am not the best at this but I try.  Every time I hear of someone going through a hard time I want to do something to make their day a little brighter.

    Whether you send this printable via text message, email, or in a package, lets hope it brightens someones day.  Maybe they will put it on their fridge as a reminder that even through the toughest times there is still sunshine somewhere.  There are blessings all around us that sometimes we do not realize until the sun comes up.

    To download this printable, click on the size.

    There’s Sunshine free printable
    4×6 blue

    Oh there's sunshine free printable

    or you can download the 4×6 white

    May you all have a happy day filled with Sunshine!

    If you liked this printable, I am sure you will love my Spring Brings New Growth Printable!

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