
Common Questions You Might Get Asked When You Announce You’re Pregnant

Common questions to expect when you announce you're pregnant.

BTW, sadly enough this is the only “bumpie” I have taken this far


Hello everyone!  I have been a little MIA from the blog lately.  Some of you may have been wondering why, and those that know me personally may have wondered by all of the tunics and hoodies I have been wearing…we are happy to announce that I am pregnant!!  It has been 5 years since I have been pregnant, seems like a long time ago now that I am facing all of the changes again, although it seems just like yesterday that my youngest was a baby.  In case you all have questions, I thought I’d go ahead and answer some common questions that you might get asked if you’re pregnant, including how far along I am, what we are having, etc.  Also, tomorrow I will be kicking my celebration off with an amazing giveaway that you will not want to miss!  In the meantime…

Common Questions You Might Get Asked When You Announce You’re Pregnant

1.  How far are you?
-17 weeks

2.  When is your due date?
-Middle of August

3.  Have you been feeling okay?
-Yes, I can’t complain.  I don’t get sick when I am pregnant and I realize most of you probably hate me when I say that.  With my first two, I felt nothing, I didn’t even feel pregnant!  This one has been a little different though.  During the first trimester I felt nauseous a lot, especially at night.  Mornings were actually the time I felt best!  I feel great now, just tired.

4.  Do you have any cravings?
-Not specifically with this pregnancy.  With my first two all I ever wanted was red meat!  Beef!  Big, juicy, burgers…etc!  This one, however, I will crave something for a day, I’ll go get it, eat a ton of it, and then the next day I never want to look at it again!  Haha!  🙂  I guess I crave random things at random times!   I have really been trying to stick to a healthy diet and for the most part have.  I will refer back to my 7-day meal plan every now and then and it feels great to eat healthy and I have added energy when I do.

5.  Are you going to find out what you’re having?
-Yes, yes, yes!  I am such a planner and must know what I am having!  I definitely admire those that don’t find out, you’re strong!

6.  When do you find out what you’re having?
-We will know by the end of this week!  Yay!

7.  Are you hoping for one gender over the other?
-This is always a tough question.  We feel so lucky to have two healthy, beautiful girls and that’s all we could ever hope for.  While we would love a boy somewhere in the mix, we will be completely happy having three girls.  All’s we ask for is a healthy baby!  I will say though – Charli really wants a little brother!

8.  Do you have any names?
-Honestly, by the third child, I feel like all the names you have ever thought of have been used by yourself already or you don’t like them anymore!  We are struggling with this one.  We have a few boy names but we are having a hard time agreeing on girl names!

9.  Have you been tired?
-Oh yes, big time!

10.  Do you still work out and eat healthy?
-Yes, well…I try!  I haven’t struggled with the working out part yet.  I still get up at the break of dawn and go to the gym.  My workouts have changed a bit, but I feel better when I work out and I will keep doing that as long as I feel good.

11.  How did you tell your family?
-We made sure to not tell the girls until we were ready for the whole rest of the world to know!  They had been asking in their prayers for a baby for a while.  Their aunts were having babies and they wanted one so bad.  We told them on Valentines Day.  We just sat them down while the video camera was going and told them that something new would be coming in our family and if they could guess what it would be.  Right off the bat they knew it was a baby!  They were so excited and we showed them the ultrasound picture and they couldn’t believe it!

I have a little artist for a daughter who loves drawing pictures.  So for our parents we had her draw a picture of our family now that there would be one more person in it.  We had the girls give this picture to them in person.  Our parents were thrilled and now have these pictures as keepsakes.  We texted the picture to the rest of our siblings. (everyone asked if the blue blanket meant a boy but that was just her choice of color!)

pregnancy announcement

12.  What’s your favorite/not favorite parts about being pregnant.
-I know that this question varies for everyone and varies with each pregnancy actually!  While a lot of people don’t love being pregnant, I actually do.  I embrace it.  Two out of three of my pregnancies have taken much longer than I had hoped for trying to get pregnant and so I really do cherish the 9 months of carrying the baby.  Although it’s not all roses; sickness, tiredness, weight gain, achy joints, chubby face, acne face, hunchback (yes, it’s a real thing that I get), sore boobs, etc…it’s all worth it in the end.  I love seeing my body transform, it’s so amazing to me what the body is capable of handling.  My favorite part is the part when your baby starts to move!  I haven’t felt it yet, but I know it’s coming soon!  One thing I have been struggling with lately is getting dressed!  Holy cow!  It’s been so long since I have worn maternity clothes and you should have seen what I pulled out of my storage!  Let’s just say my clothes are a bit out-dated!  Let’s also just say that I don’t remember needing to wear maternity clothes this soon in my first two pregnancies!  Last week I got a lot of energy and cleared out all of the clothes from my closet.  Every. Single. Non-Pregnancy item of clothing.  I packed them up in boxes and sent them to my storage.  I want my closet to be full of clothes that actually fit me and don’t cut off my circulation.  Fortunately, my sister-in-law just got done having her last baby and she gave me all of her very cute maternity clothes.  I was so grateful!  Now I actually feel like getting dressed in the morning and don’t stress about it!  I have also been searching on sites like ASOS, Pink Blush Maternity, Target, and Lilac Clothing.  I feel that it is important to feel pretty during pregnancy and also comfortable!  I wanna know, where are your favorite maternity stores?  Please share!

That about does it for the common questions you might get when you announce you’re pregnant.  At least, those are the questions that I have gotten asked the most!

Please stay tuned to find out the gender of our baby.  Also, check back tomorrow because every one of you that is a momma or momma-to-be will want in on my giveaway!

XOXO, Kami

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  • Camille WalkerMarch 10, 2015 - 2:24 pm

    Congratulations pretty girl! I am so happy for you and your family!ReplyCancel

  • Annie LeMasterMarch 10, 2015 - 2:53 pm

    I am SOOOO happy for you!! CONGRATS!!!ReplyCancel

  • ShayMarch 10, 2015 - 3:07 pm

    I am so excited for you!! You make the cutest babies 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Amy | The Happy ScrapsMarch 10, 2015 - 3:17 pm

    Yay! Congratulations Kami and family! That is exciting news.ReplyCancel

  • Jena HendryMarch 10, 2015 - 3:46 pm

    We are so happy for you sis!! Love you!ReplyCancel

  • Amy@ A Cup Full of SassMarch 10, 2015 - 3:59 pm

    Yay!! SO excited for you!! You are just too cute!!ReplyCancel

  • JennMarch 10, 2015 - 4:29 pm

    Congratulations to you and your family. It seems like this is the year of the boy (I currently know 5 people all due with boys this year). Can’t wait to find out what you’re having!ReplyCancel

  • Cami ReadMarch 11, 2015 - 3:31 am

    Congrats that is so exciting ReplyCancel

  • MitziMarch 12, 2015 - 5:13 am

    How awesome is that! Congrats to you!!!ReplyCancel

  • nice sweatshirts,April 7, 2015 - 9:59 pm

    You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve read through
    something like this before. So wonderful to find somebody with unique
    thoughts on this subject matter. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this
    up. This site is something that is required on the internet,
    someone with a bit of originality!ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Common Questions You Might Get Asked When You Announce You’re Pregnant

Common questions to expect when you announce you're pregnant.

BTW, sadly enough this is the only “bumpie” I have taken this far


Hello everyone!  I have been a little MIA from the blog lately.  Some of you may have been wondering why, and those that know me personally may have wondered by all of the tunics and hoodies I have been wearing…we are happy to announce that I am pregnant!!  It has been 5 years since I have been pregnant, seems like a long time ago now that I am facing all of the changes again, although it seems just like yesterday that my youngest was a baby.  In case you all have questions, I thought I’d go ahead and answer some common questions that you might get asked if you’re pregnant, including how far along I am, what we are having, etc.  Also, tomorrow I will be kicking my celebration off with an amazing giveaway that you will not want to miss!  In the meantime…

Common Questions You Might Get Asked When You Announce You’re Pregnant

1.  How far are you?
-17 weeks

2.  When is your due date?
-Middle of August

3.  Have you been feeling okay?
-Yes, I can’t complain.  I don’t get sick when I am pregnant and I realize most of you probably hate me when I say that.  With my first two, I felt nothing, I didn’t even feel pregnant!  This one has been a little different though.  During the first trimester I felt nauseous a lot, especially at night.  Mornings were actually the time I felt best!  I feel great now, just tired.

4.  Do you have any cravings?
-Not specifically with this pregnancy.  With my first two all I ever wanted was red meat!  Beef!  Big, juicy, burgers…etc!  This one, however, I will crave something for a day, I’ll go get it, eat a ton of it, and then the next day I never want to look at it again!  Haha!  🙂  I guess I crave random things at random times!   I have really been trying to stick to a healthy diet and for the most part have.  I will refer back to my 7-day meal plan every now and then and it feels great to eat healthy and I have added energy when I do.

5.  Are you going to find out what you’re having?
-Yes, yes, yes!  I am such a planner and must know what I am having!  I definitely admire those that don’t find out, you’re strong!

6.  When do you find out what you’re having?
-We will know by the end of this week!  Yay!

7.  Are you hoping for one gender over the other?
-This is always a tough question.  We feel so lucky to have two healthy, beautiful girls and that’s all we could ever hope for.  While we would love a boy somewhere in the mix, we will be completely happy having three girls.  All’s we ask for is a healthy baby!  I will say though – Charli really wants a little brother!

8.  Do you have any names?
-Honestly, by the third child, I feel like all the names you have ever thought of have been used by yourself already or you don’t like them anymore!  We are struggling with this one.  We have a few boy names but we are having a hard time agreeing on girl names!

9.  Have you been tired?
-Oh yes, big time!

10.  Do you still work out and eat healthy?
-Yes, well…I try!  I haven’t struggled with the working out part yet.  I still get up at the break of dawn and go to the gym.  My workouts have changed a bit, but I feel better when I work out and I will keep doing that as long as I feel good.

11.  How did you tell your family?
-We made sure to not tell the girls until we were ready for the whole rest of the world to know!  They had been asking in their prayers for a baby for a while.  Their aunts were having babies and they wanted one so bad.  We told them on Valentines Day.  We just sat them down while the video camera was going and told them that something new would be coming in our family and if they could guess what it would be.  Right off the bat they knew it was a baby!  They were so excited and we showed them the ultrasound picture and they couldn’t believe it!

I have a little artist for a daughter who loves drawing pictures.  So for our parents we had her draw a picture of our family now that there would be one more person in it.  We had the girls give this picture to them in person.  Our parents were thrilled and now have these pictures as keepsakes.  We texted the picture to the rest of our siblings. (everyone asked if the blue blanket meant a boy but that was just her choice of color!)

pregnancy announcement

12.  What’s your favorite/not favorite parts about being pregnant.
-I know that this question varies for everyone and varies with each pregnancy actually!  While a lot of people don’t love being pregnant, I actually do.  I embrace it.  Two out of three of my pregnancies have taken much longer than I had hoped for trying to get pregnant and so I really do cherish the 9 months of carrying the baby.  Although it’s not all roses; sickness, tiredness, weight gain, achy joints, chubby face, acne face, hunchback (yes, it’s a real thing that I get), sore boobs, etc…it’s all worth it in the end.  I love seeing my body transform, it’s so amazing to me what the body is capable of handling.  My favorite part is the part when your baby starts to move!  I haven’t felt it yet, but I know it’s coming soon!  One thing I have been struggling with lately is getting dressed!  Holy cow!  It’s been so long since I have worn maternity clothes and you should have seen what I pulled out of my storage!  Let’s just say my clothes are a bit out-dated!  Let’s also just say that I don’t remember needing to wear maternity clothes this soon in my first two pregnancies!  Last week I got a lot of energy and cleared out all of the clothes from my closet.  Every. Single. Non-Pregnancy item of clothing.  I packed them up in boxes and sent them to my storage.  I want my closet to be full of clothes that actually fit me and don’t cut off my circulation.  Fortunately, my sister-in-law just got done having her last baby and she gave me all of her very cute maternity clothes.  I was so grateful!  Now I actually feel like getting dressed in the morning and don’t stress about it!  I have also been searching on sites like ASOS, Pink Blush Maternity, Target, and Lilac Clothing.  I feel that it is important to feel pretty during pregnancy and also comfortable!  I wanna know, where are your favorite maternity stores?  Please share!

That about does it for the common questions you might get when you announce you’re pregnant.  At least, those are the questions that I have gotten asked the most!

Please stay tuned to find out the gender of our baby.  Also, check back tomorrow because every one of you that is a momma or momma-to-be will want in on my giveaway!

XOXO, Kami

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Your email is never published or shared. Required fields are marked *

  • Camille WalkerMarch 10, 2015 - 2:24 pm

    Congratulations pretty girl! I am so happy for you and your family!ReplyCancel

  • Annie LeMasterMarch 10, 2015 - 2:53 pm

    I am SOOOO happy for you!! CONGRATS!!!ReplyCancel

  • ShayMarch 10, 2015 - 3:07 pm

    I am so excited for you!! You make the cutest babies 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Amy | The Happy ScrapsMarch 10, 2015 - 3:17 pm

    Yay! Congratulations Kami and family! That is exciting news.ReplyCancel

  • Jena HendryMarch 10, 2015 - 3:46 pm

    We are so happy for you sis!! Love you!ReplyCancel

  • Amy@ A Cup Full of SassMarch 10, 2015 - 3:59 pm

    Yay!! SO excited for you!! You are just too cute!!ReplyCancel

  • JennMarch 10, 2015 - 4:29 pm

    Congratulations to you and your family. It seems like this is the year of the boy (I currently know 5 people all due with boys this year). Can’t wait to find out what you’re having!ReplyCancel

  • Cami ReadMarch 11, 2015 - 3:31 am

    Congrats that is so exciting ReplyCancel

  • MitziMarch 12, 2015 - 5:13 am

    How awesome is that! Congrats to you!!!ReplyCancel

  • nice sweatshirts,April 7, 2015 - 9:59 pm

    You are so interesting! I do not suppose I’ve read through
    something like this before. So wonderful to find somebody with unique
    thoughts on this subject matter. Seriously.. many thanks for starting this
    up. This site is something that is required on the internet,
    someone with a bit of originality!ReplyCancel


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