
‘Game It’ Social Shopping App Review

This post is a review that I have either been compensated
 or given free product for doing.  I choose to do reviews to
 bring awareness to my readers of the latest items/brands.
My opinions are always my own.
I was recently asked to review a new app called, ‘Game It’.  It is a mix of playing trivia and shopping.  In return, you can win the item that you are shopping for!  I downloaded the free app and thought I would give it a try since I was staying inside trying to stay warm!

Game it, the social competitive shopping experience.  Find it.  Game it.  Win it.  Put your big brain and strategy to the test and win awesome prizes for answering trivia around geography, pop culture, and history.  Play with friends for the latest and greatest products in fashion, tech, gadgets, and more!

The app is free and once it downloaded I created a profile which was quick and easy to do.  Next, I browsed around and became familiar with the app itself.  The home screen had lots of items to scroll through.  Some items caught my eye which were mostly fashion/beauty items.  There were also some pretty great gift cards available.  In the top right-hand corner I noticed that I had 250 coins which are given to you when you download the app.

I decided I would play my first trivia game for my first desired item.  I chose the Tory Burch lipstick.  Why did I choose this?  Well, for one, it’s lipstick!  The second reason why I chose to play for this item is because the trivia questions would be about ‘Celebrity Faces’, and if I am knowledgable about one thing, celebrities is it!  I felt confident in this choice so I pushed ‘Play’ and the trivia questions began.

The key to winning is answering the questions as quickly as possible having them all be correct.  My first question came up and had a picture of Cameron Diaz’s face.  “Who is this?”, it asked, and then it gave me multiple choice answers.  I chose Cameron Diaz and then the next question came up in which it gave me another Celebrity’s face to determine.  After you are asked 10 questions it generates your score and says if you have beaten the leader or not.  I was sadly just a few points away from beating the leader…

It asked me if I wanted to play again to try to beat her and so I did.  It became pretty addicting but fun as well.  I still had plenty of coins left to play.  When you run out of your coins you can either play for more coins or you can buy coins for a small cost.  I decided to play for more coins when I ran out.  Once you win, if you remain the winner until the game’s ending duration then you win the prize and it will arrive at your doorstep soon! 
Here are some of the other items that I contemplated playing for.  (notice the categories)

 The category for this bluetooth speaker is Seinfeld.  I am pretty sure my husband and I know each episode by heart!

Okay, so while I may not be the most knowledgable about ‘The Beatles’, I do like this handbag!

If your husband wants to play there are plenty of categories he would be good at (like golf!).

I would encourage you to try it out.  The app is free and you may as well give it a shot.  Who knows, maybe you will win on your first try!  This app is available on 

iOS –
Android –

Happy Gaming!

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    ‘Game It’ Social Shopping App Review

    This post is a review that I have either been compensated
     or given free product for doing.  I choose to do reviews to
     bring awareness to my readers of the latest items/brands.
    My opinions are always my own.
    I was recently asked to review a new app called, ‘Game It’.  It is a mix of playing trivia and shopping.  In return, you can win the item that you are shopping for!  I downloaded the free app and thought I would give it a try since I was staying inside trying to stay warm!

    Game it, the social competitive shopping experience.  Find it.  Game it.  Win it.  Put your big brain and strategy to the test and win awesome prizes for answering trivia around geography, pop culture, and history.  Play with friends for the latest and greatest products in fashion, tech, gadgets, and more!

    The app is free and once it downloaded I created a profile which was quick and easy to do.  Next, I browsed around and became familiar with the app itself.  The home screen had lots of items to scroll through.  Some items caught my eye which were mostly fashion/beauty items.  There were also some pretty great gift cards available.  In the top right-hand corner I noticed that I had 250 coins which are given to you when you download the app.

    I decided I would play my first trivia game for my first desired item.  I chose the Tory Burch lipstick.  Why did I choose this?  Well, for one, it’s lipstick!  The second reason why I chose to play for this item is because the trivia questions would be about ‘Celebrity Faces’, and if I am knowledgable about one thing, celebrities is it!  I felt confident in this choice so I pushed ‘Play’ and the trivia questions began.

    The key to winning is answering the questions as quickly as possible having them all be correct.  My first question came up and had a picture of Cameron Diaz’s face.  “Who is this?”, it asked, and then it gave me multiple choice answers.  I chose Cameron Diaz and then the next question came up in which it gave me another Celebrity’s face to determine.  After you are asked 10 questions it generates your score and says if you have beaten the leader or not.  I was sadly just a few points away from beating the leader…

    It asked me if I wanted to play again to try to beat her and so I did.  It became pretty addicting but fun as well.  I still had plenty of coins left to play.  When you run out of your coins you can either play for more coins or you can buy coins for a small cost.  I decided to play for more coins when I ran out.  Once you win, if you remain the winner until the game’s ending duration then you win the prize and it will arrive at your doorstep soon! 
    Here are some of the other items that I contemplated playing for.  (notice the categories)

     The category for this bluetooth speaker is Seinfeld.  I am pretty sure my husband and I know each episode by heart!

    Okay, so while I may not be the most knowledgable about ‘The Beatles’, I do like this handbag!

    If your husband wants to play there are plenty of categories he would be good at (like golf!).

    I would encourage you to try it out.  The app is free and you may as well give it a shot.  Who knows, maybe you will win on your first try!  This app is available on 

    iOS –
    Android –

    Happy Gaming!

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