
IKEA’s Last Nights of Summer

 You should all know by now that IKEA is one of my happy places!  I love everything about IKEA and every time I get to go I get giddy!  I am heading to the Draper location for
the Last Nights of Summer event, I have been browsing through the new IKEA catalog and I’ve been scoping out a few new things!

The Last Nights of Summer is taking place at IKEA Draper.  It is their first ever live “as-is” auctions on Friday, August 29th, and a Family Fun Day on Saturday, August 30th.  There will be fun things to do for the family as well as great special offers (pttts, make sure you are a IKEA family member for all the perks!).
Click HERE for details.

Remember the fun and very informative video my friend Staci and I made to help you Shop IKEA?  Check it out HERE if you haven’t!

Here are some of my favorite IKEA posts:
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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    IKEA’s Last Nights of Summer

     You should all know by now that IKEA is one of my happy places!  I love everything about IKEA and every time I get to go I get giddy!  I am heading to the Draper location for
    the Last Nights of Summer event, I have been browsing through the new IKEA catalog and I’ve been scoping out a few new things!

    The Last Nights of Summer is taking place at IKEA Draper.  It is their first ever live “as-is” auctions on Friday, August 29th, and a Family Fun Day on Saturday, August 30th.  There will be fun things to do for the family as well as great special offers (pttts, make sure you are a IKEA family member for all the perks!).
    Click HERE for details.

    Remember the fun and very informative video my friend Staci and I made to help you Shop IKEA?  Check it out HERE if you haven’t!

    Here are some of my favorite IKEA posts:
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