
The Perfect Fit!

Okay ladies, I am totally going to put it out there… When was the last time you got a new bra?  If it’s been over 7-8 months then you definitely should be reading this.  Not only is it important to get a new bra, but it’s so important that you are getting the right fit!  I just recently got fit for a new bra from my friend Courtney over at Fry Sauce & Grits.  She is a licensed bra-fitter and taught me so much about wearing the right fit bra and the importance of it.

I’m gonna be completely honest and say that I just barely got a new bra and it had been over a year, yikes!!  Lets think about this:  In the last year I have lost over 20lbs of fat, over 11 total inches, and therefore, have lost a lot of…lets say…chest! (read about my body transformation HERE)  Boo-hoo!  That’s the first thing to go when losing weight which is a bummer!  I was wayyyy over-due for a new bra that was the right size for me!

I have noticed my posture has been better since my new purchase and also it makes me appear thinner.  Did you ever think about those two things?  Seriously, the right sized bra will make you look thinner!  I could go into detail about everything I learned but I am just going to send you over to Courtney’s blog because she has mulitple posts that go into detail about how to find the right sized bra, the right kind of bra, etc.

Did you know that there are different bras for different shaped chests?  It’s true!  One bra that would work for me necessarily would not work for you.  Read up on it HERE, it’s so interesting!  And lastly, go get a new bra if it’s been a while; you will feel like a new woman!  HERE is the one I got and I absolutely have loved it.  It’s Calvin Klein, so I totally feel ‘legit’!

Happy bra shopping and Ta-ta! (pun intended)

Bra image obtained from Google

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    The Perfect Fit!

    Okay ladies, I am totally going to put it out there… When was the last time you got a new bra?  If it’s been over 7-8 months then you definitely should be reading this.  Not only is it important to get a new bra, but it’s so important that you are getting the right fit!  I just recently got fit for a new bra from my friend Courtney over at Fry Sauce & Grits.  She is a licensed bra-fitter and taught me so much about wearing the right fit bra and the importance of it.

    I’m gonna be completely honest and say that I just barely got a new bra and it had been over a year, yikes!!  Lets think about this:  In the last year I have lost over 20lbs of fat, over 11 total inches, and therefore, have lost a lot of…lets say…chest! (read about my body transformation HERE)  Boo-hoo!  That’s the first thing to go when losing weight which is a bummer!  I was wayyyy over-due for a new bra that was the right size for me!

    I have noticed my posture has been better since my new purchase and also it makes me appear thinner.  Did you ever think about those two things?  Seriously, the right sized bra will make you look thinner!  I could go into detail about everything I learned but I am just going to send you over to Courtney’s blog because she has mulitple posts that go into detail about how to find the right sized bra, the right kind of bra, etc.

    Did you know that there are different bras for different shaped chests?  It’s true!  One bra that would work for me necessarily would not work for you.  Read up on it HERE, it’s so interesting!  And lastly, go get a new bra if it’s been a while; you will feel like a new woman!  HERE is the one I got and I absolutely have loved it.  It’s Calvin Klein, so I totally feel ‘legit’!

    Happy bra shopping and Ta-ta! (pun intended)

    Bra image obtained from Google

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