
My Favorite Time of Year at Gardner Village

There is this place in the Salt Lake City area called Gardner Village.  It is a cluster of retail specialty shops located in restored cabins, houses and buildings nestled adjacent to the Gardner Mill.  The history of this place generates from the early Pioneers.  Read about it more HERE.  It is such a fun atmosphere to shop at and there are always great things going on.

This time every year they put on a month-long festivity called WitchFest.  There are so many great things to do.  I had the opportunity to attend a special blogger’s night put on by My Craft Channel.  The night was full of Witches – of course, shopping, food, and more.  Everything was spectacular.  I had the opportunity to meet many witches including the Gardner Village Witch, Lucinda.  See what other activities they have for WitchFest HERE.
 You can find so many Halloween goods right now as well as some other fun things!

Another awesome opportunity I had was to meet renowned folk artist, Eric Dowdle. He is the talented one who creates the awesome puzzles.  Well guess what?  He made one just for Gardner Village’s WitchFest!

On a different day, I had the opportunity to attend the Breakfast with a Witch with my little Charli.  We dressed up like witches, had a fabulous breakfast, watched Lucinda the witch and her friends perform a little show, and dance!  It was super-fun and all the children there had a great time too.
This is like the smallest picture in the world of us…

If you ever have the opportunity to go to Gardner Village you definitly should!  You can spend hours there as they have many shops, dining, and yummy sweet stores!
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  • Samantha CurtisOctober 9, 2013 - 9:40 pm

    I LOVE Gardner Village! I wish I lived there so I could go all of the time! I haven’t been there during Halloween, but would love to! One of these days!

    Samantha C.ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer DavisOctober 22, 2013 - 6:02 pm

    Love Gardner Village! I also love stumbling across other local bloggers!

    Jennifer @ UtahQueenofChaos.comReplyCancel

  • Jennifer DavisOctober 22, 2013 - 6:03 pm

    My OCD is loving the candy picture!!!!!!ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

My Favorite Time of Year at Gardner Village

There is this place in the Salt Lake City area called Gardner Village.  It is a cluster of retail specialty shops located in restored cabins, houses and buildings nestled adjacent to the Gardner Mill.  The history of this place generates from the early Pioneers.  Read about it more HERE.  It is such a fun atmosphere to shop at and there are always great things going on.

This time every year they put on a month-long festivity called WitchFest.  There are so many great things to do.  I had the opportunity to attend a special blogger’s night put on by My Craft Channel.  The night was full of Witches – of course, shopping, food, and more.  Everything was spectacular.  I had the opportunity to meet many witches including the Gardner Village Witch, Lucinda.  See what other activities they have for WitchFest HERE.
 You can find so many Halloween goods right now as well as some other fun things!

Another awesome opportunity I had was to meet renowned folk artist, Eric Dowdle. He is the talented one who creates the awesome puzzles.  Well guess what?  He made one just for Gardner Village’s WitchFest!

On a different day, I had the opportunity to attend the Breakfast with a Witch with my little Charli.  We dressed up like witches, had a fabulous breakfast, watched Lucinda the witch and her friends perform a little show, and dance!  It was super-fun and all the children there had a great time too.
This is like the smallest picture in the world of us…

If you ever have the opportunity to go to Gardner Village you definitly should!  You can spend hours there as they have many shops, dining, and yummy sweet stores!
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  • Samantha CurtisOctober 9, 2013 - 9:40 pm

    I LOVE Gardner Village! I wish I lived there so I could go all of the time! I haven’t been there during Halloween, but would love to! One of these days!

    Samantha C.ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer DavisOctober 22, 2013 - 6:02 pm

    Love Gardner Village! I also love stumbling across other local bloggers!

    Jennifer @ UtahQueenofChaos.comReplyCancel

  • Jennifer DavisOctober 22, 2013 - 6:03 pm

    My OCD is loving the candy picture!!!!!!ReplyCancel


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