
What I Eat – Greek Yogurt

I never tried Greek Yogurt until about 4 months ago, when I decided to embark on a life-changing way of eating. Being the frugal girl that I sometimes am, the first Greek Yogurt I bought was my grocery store brand, Kroger. After trying that for the first time, and loving it, it stuck! Come to find out in a recent Studio 5 episode, its one of the better brands to buy, higher in protein, inexpensive, etc.
Next week I will be sharing with you some of my favorite 250-300 calorie meals that I eat almost everyday. Also, find out how I lost ten pounds over the holiday season (instead of gaining it), and how I’ve gone from 30% body fat to almost under 20%. I’ve also almost gone down 2 (skinny) jean sizes and have lost numerous inches.

Swimming suit season is almost here so I look forward to sharing with you next week how I’ve been preparing. But for now, watch THIS CLIP from a nutritionist talking about all the different Greek yogurts if you are a newby to them!
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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    What I Eat – Greek Yogurt

    I never tried Greek Yogurt until about 4 months ago, when I decided to embark on a life-changing way of eating. Being the frugal girl that I sometimes am, the first Greek Yogurt I bought was my grocery store brand, Kroger. After trying that for the first time, and loving it, it stuck! Come to find out in a recent Studio 5 episode, its one of the better brands to buy, higher in protein, inexpensive, etc.
    Next week I will be sharing with you some of my favorite 250-300 calorie meals that I eat almost everyday. Also, find out how I lost ten pounds over the holiday season (instead of gaining it), and how I’ve gone from 30% body fat to almost under 20%. I’ve also almost gone down 2 (skinny) jean sizes and have lost numerous inches.

    Swimming suit season is almost here so I look forward to sharing with you next week how I’ve been preparing. But for now, watch THIS CLIP from a nutritionist talking about all the different Greek yogurts if you are a newby to them!
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