
Easy to Make 3D Hearts

 These little 3d hearts are easy to make.  You can make them from felt or paper.  Remember the Pottery Barn Inspired 3D Christmas Trees I made HERE?  Just use the same tutorial for these hearts.
Um…taking pictures of mirrors is super hard.  I need a lesson obviously so I’m not in the picture!
 I added this crepe paper garland.  I have left over crepe paper from the project I did HERE.  I bought the crepe paper at the dollar store.  2/$1.

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  • ChristyFebruary 18, 2013 - 7:15 am

    Super cute!! Wish I would have seen this post sooner…ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Easy to Make 3D Hearts

 These little 3d hearts are easy to make.  You can make them from felt or paper.  Remember the Pottery Barn Inspired 3D Christmas Trees I made HERE?  Just use the same tutorial for these hearts.
Um…taking pictures of mirrors is super hard.  I need a lesson obviously so I’m not in the picture!
 I added this crepe paper garland.  I have left over crepe paper from the project I did HERE.  I bought the crepe paper at the dollar store.  2/$1.

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  • ChristyFebruary 18, 2013 - 7:15 am

    Super cute!! Wish I would have seen this post sooner…ReplyCancel


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