
Peppermint, Please!

I was walking through the store today and got the wonderful scent of Peppermint, they were putting some of their Christmas stuff out!  Mmmmmm!   Got me so excited for Christmas.  Here are a few things pepperminty…(that’s not a real word, I just made it up!)

I am not an expert on essential oils, although I use them almost every day either for wellness or enjoyment.  Peppermint is one I use every day on my face and it is so exhilarating!  What I do is mix one drop in my moisturizer in the morning and rub it all over my face (not too close to my eyes!), it begins to tingle and it wakes me right up!  Love it!  There are also many other benefits of peppermint oil that you can read about HERE.

Speaking of waking your right up in the morning…what about using this in the shower?  I have never tried this, but it looks like something that I would love!  $8 at – what a great Christmas gift!

Here’s another great gift you can make yourself.  This is sure to make your feet feel awesome and tingly!  This recipe is found HERE
   LOVE this cute Christmas window treatment, found HERE

I thought this would be darling for Christmas parties, I found it HERE.  Or, I’m sure all you crafty chicks could find a way to make one yourself!  🙂

Fill your entire house with the peppermint  scent with this scentsy bar!  It smells very Christmassy!  (yeah, made up that word too!)  It’s an exhilarating blast of cool perppermint and sweet golden apple blanketed over frosty winter pin.  MMMmmmm!  Find it HERE

…Now I’m really excited for Christmas!
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    Hey, I'm Kami!

    Welcome to the blog

    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    Peppermint, Please!

    I was walking through the store today and got the wonderful scent of Peppermint, they were putting some of their Christmas stuff out!  Mmmmmm!   Got me so excited for Christmas.  Here are a few things pepperminty…(that’s not a real word, I just made it up!)

    I am not an expert on essential oils, although I use them almost every day either for wellness or enjoyment.  Peppermint is one I use every day on my face and it is so exhilarating!  What I do is mix one drop in my moisturizer in the morning and rub it all over my face (not too close to my eyes!), it begins to tingle and it wakes me right up!  Love it!  There are also many other benefits of peppermint oil that you can read about HERE.

    Speaking of waking your right up in the morning…what about using this in the shower?  I have never tried this, but it looks like something that I would love!  $8 at – what a great Christmas gift!

    Here’s another great gift you can make yourself.  This is sure to make your feet feel awesome and tingly!  This recipe is found HERE
       LOVE this cute Christmas window treatment, found HERE

    I thought this would be darling for Christmas parties, I found it HERE.  Or, I’m sure all you crafty chicks could find a way to make one yourself!  🙂

    Fill your entire house with the peppermint  scent with this scentsy bar!  It smells very Christmassy!  (yeah, made up that word too!)  It’s an exhilarating blast of cool perppermint and sweet golden apple blanketed over frosty winter pin.  MMMmmmm!  Find it HERE

    …Now I’m really excited for Christmas!
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