
Countdown to Christmas #3: Pumpkin Cake Bites

This is a great treat for this time of year.  As I was looking around for recipes, I learned that there are a lot of ways that you can make these.  I just reached into the back of my head and used a cookie recipe that my mom does.  It’s very easy and requires very little amount of ingredients.
Here’s what you need:

1 Spice Cake Mix
1 Can Pumpkin
3/4 Can Cream Cheese Frosting
1 Bag of Chocolate or Vanilla Melts
1 Bag Hershey’s Cinnamon Chips (optional)
Mix your cake mix and pumpkin only (no eggs, oil, etc.) in a bowl until really moist.  Put in a pan and bake according to the cake mixes directions.  Once done, let cool.
Time to crumble the cake!  I just crumble mine using a large fork in the pan that it was baked in.   Some people like to put it in a processor, but a fork works fine.  Once the cake is all crumby, mix in about 3/4 of your frosting until the mixture is moist enough to roll into 1.5″ balls.
Roll all of your mixture into balls, and put in freezer for a good 30 minutes or so.  Take 1/2 of them out and work with those first.  I find that the balls look better once dipped when they are really, really cold.  So once you are done with the first half, take the others out so they are still cool.
Dip all of your balls in the melt of your choice, then, what I did was drizzle the Hershey’s cinnommin melt over the top!  I’m so glad I did because it definitley made them taste better.  The cinnamon chips are hard to find though.  Most stores don’t carry them.  They are delicious though!  If you can’t find any, try sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on top of the balls before the chocolate sets.  That would taste yummy too.  
Keep these refridgerated!!  They taste soooo much better when they are chilled.
And that’s all folks!
Time:  (counting baking the cake) about 2 hrs.
Taste Rating from Sweet Charli:
I give it a 9 because out of all the flavors you can make in cake bites, this one wasn’t the best!  It isn’t very full of flavor like I would have hoped, and well, pumpkin isn’t my favorite when it comes to treats.  **make note though, that if you do not keep these chilled they aren’t good at all.  I would definitely make these for a gift, but only if they are cold.  They are yummy when cold**

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    Hey, I'm Kami!

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    Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

    Countdown to Christmas #3: Pumpkin Cake Bites

    This is a great treat for this time of year.  As I was looking around for recipes, I learned that there are a lot of ways that you can make these.  I just reached into the back of my head and used a cookie recipe that my mom does.  It’s very easy and requires very little amount of ingredients.
    Here’s what you need:

    1 Spice Cake Mix
    1 Can Pumpkin
    3/4 Can Cream Cheese Frosting
    1 Bag of Chocolate or Vanilla Melts
    1 Bag Hershey’s Cinnamon Chips (optional)
    Mix your cake mix and pumpkin only (no eggs, oil, etc.) in a bowl until really moist.  Put in a pan and bake according to the cake mixes directions.  Once done, let cool.
    Time to crumble the cake!  I just crumble mine using a large fork in the pan that it was baked in.   Some people like to put it in a processor, but a fork works fine.  Once the cake is all crumby, mix in about 3/4 of your frosting until the mixture is moist enough to roll into 1.5″ balls.
    Roll all of your mixture into balls, and put in freezer for a good 30 minutes or so.  Take 1/2 of them out and work with those first.  I find that the balls look better once dipped when they are really, really cold.  So once you are done with the first half, take the others out so they are still cool.
    Dip all of your balls in the melt of your choice, then, what I did was drizzle the Hershey’s cinnommin melt over the top!  I’m so glad I did because it definitley made them taste better.  The cinnamon chips are hard to find though.  Most stores don’t carry them.  They are delicious though!  If you can’t find any, try sprinkling cinnamon and sugar on top of the balls before the chocolate sets.  That would taste yummy too.  
    Keep these refridgerated!!  They taste soooo much better when they are chilled.
    And that’s all folks!
    Time:  (counting baking the cake) about 2 hrs.
    Taste Rating from Sweet Charli:
    I give it a 9 because out of all the flavors you can make in cake bites, this one wasn’t the best!  It isn’t very full of flavor like I would have hoped, and well, pumpkin isn’t my favorite when it comes to treats.  **make note though, that if you do not keep these chilled they aren’t good at all.  I would definitely make these for a gift, but only if they are cold.  They are yummy when cold**

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