
Sunday Bag Re-Fashion

I honestly have been wanting to do this forever.  My Sunday tote bag was hideous!!  But after this re-fashion, I feel much better about it!

All’s you need is:

Two different fabrics
Reusable bag
Sewing machine
 I forgot to take a few pictures, but I cut 5 total strips of fabric measuring 8″ width on each.  3 strips from one pattern, 2 from the other.  I measured my bag all the way around, then doubled it to get the length.  
Fold the fabric’s width in half, ruffle the edge, then pin to your bag.  Sew it around.  Once you have one ruffle on, do that with the next 4 pieces.
{note: if you do not know how to ruffle fabric, I will be doing a tutorial on some easy ways to do it}
I added some rosettes to it with hot glue when I was finished.  
I understand these directions aren’t the best, and I apologize about the pictures.  My camera is horrible!  Hopefully Santa will get the hint on that one!  Anyways, this bag is really easy to make and the measurements really just depend on what size bag you are using. 
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  • Amanda NOctober 24, 2011 - 9:21 pm

    where did you get the floral fabric and blue dotted fabric? I love those together!!ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Sunday Bag Re-Fashion

I honestly have been wanting to do this forever.  My Sunday tote bag was hideous!!  But after this re-fashion, I feel much better about it!

All’s you need is:

Two different fabrics
Reusable bag
Sewing machine
 I forgot to take a few pictures, but I cut 5 total strips of fabric measuring 8″ width on each.  3 strips from one pattern, 2 from the other.  I measured my bag all the way around, then doubled it to get the length.  
Fold the fabric’s width in half, ruffle the edge, then pin to your bag.  Sew it around.  Once you have one ruffle on, do that with the next 4 pieces.
{note: if you do not know how to ruffle fabric, I will be doing a tutorial on some easy ways to do it}
I added some rosettes to it with hot glue when I was finished.  
I understand these directions aren’t the best, and I apologize about the pictures.  My camera is horrible!  Hopefully Santa will get the hint on that one!  Anyways, this bag is really easy to make and the measurements really just depend on what size bag you are using. 
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  • Amanda NOctober 24, 2011 - 9:21 pm

    where did you get the floral fabric and blue dotted fabric? I love those together!!ReplyCancel


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