
Delicious Spring Slush

Fruity, Colorful, Beautiful, Springy, Delicious, Slush Drink!
If you are looking for the perfect spring/summery slush to make for a party/bbq, look no further!! This is the yummiest drink! I cannot tell you how refreshing this tastes!! It’s more like a treat than a drink!
Thanks to my friend Aimee, who made this at Bunko a few weeks ago – I fell in love!
Made it for my family last night at a party, and they did too!

Boil Together:
4 C. sugar
4C. water
3/4 C. lemon juice
then add 4 more cups of cold water. Freeze in a large container until solid.

Remove slush from freezer about an hour before serving to thaw. When ready to eat, break apart into chunks with a fork.

Stir In:
1 16oz. package frozen raspberries
1 16. oz package blueberries
1 20 oz. can crushed pineapples, un-drained
6 bananas, sliced
7-up or sprite to taste

This recipe makes a lot, but if you are looking to feed a big crowd, make two recipes of slush with 3 (2 liter) bottles of sprite, serves 50

I know you will fall in love with this like me!


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LInked uP heRe:
Get your craft on Thurs.
Transformation Thursday

And don’t forget about our linky party on Friday:

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  • kirstin & jordanApril 2, 2010 - 8:33 pm

    LOVE this… we have a family favorite ‘slush’ recipe that’s always a crowd pleaser, but it has alcohol in it (and I’m pregnant!). this might be just the ticket. 🙂
    We have a friday fun finds party- we’d love it if you’d link up!ReplyCancel

  • LoriApril 3, 2010 - 11:00 pm

    It looks yummy!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!ReplyCancel

  • […] Delicious Spring Slush from Spring Charli […]ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

Delicious Spring Slush

Fruity, Colorful, Beautiful, Springy, Delicious, Slush Drink!
If you are looking for the perfect spring/summery slush to make for a party/bbq, look no further!! This is the yummiest drink! I cannot tell you how refreshing this tastes!! It’s more like a treat than a drink!
Thanks to my friend Aimee, who made this at Bunko a few weeks ago – I fell in love!
Made it for my family last night at a party, and they did too!

Boil Together:
4 C. sugar
4C. water
3/4 C. lemon juice
then add 4 more cups of cold water. Freeze in a large container until solid.

Remove slush from freezer about an hour before serving to thaw. When ready to eat, break apart into chunks with a fork.

Stir In:
1 16oz. package frozen raspberries
1 16. oz package blueberries
1 20 oz. can crushed pineapples, un-drained
6 bananas, sliced
7-up or sprite to taste

This recipe makes a lot, but if you are looking to feed a big crowd, make two recipes of slush with 3 (2 liter) bottles of sprite, serves 50

I know you will fall in love with this like me!


Sharing this at:


LInked uP heRe:
Get your craft on Thurs.
Transformation Thursday

And don’t forget about our linky party on Friday:

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  • kirstin & jordanApril 2, 2010 - 8:33 pm

    LOVE this… we have a family favorite ‘slush’ recipe that’s always a crowd pleaser, but it has alcohol in it (and I’m pregnant!). this might be just the ticket. 🙂
    We have a friday fun finds party- we’d love it if you’d link up!ReplyCancel

  • LoriApril 3, 2010 - 11:00 pm

    It looks yummy!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thursday. Please join me next week for another wonderful party!!

    Please stop by next week I am having guest over each day and I would love for you to tell them HI!ReplyCancel

  • […] Delicious Spring Slush from Spring Charli […]ReplyCancel


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