
a monster for your sleepy monster!

When your little one sleeps on the go…
I have very talented sisters-in-law (sister-in-laws? ..whatevs), and one of them told me about this pillow she made for her boy for when he falls asleep in his carseat. How cute is this??


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  • AngieMarch 17, 2010 - 2:20 pm

    I think Jessie should do a tutorial on this. Brylee needs one for our trip to Disneyland.
    Tell her for me. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • CathyMarch 17, 2010 - 2:24 pm

    That is so cute. I want to make one for Lils!ReplyCancel

  • beckabootsMarch 17, 2010 - 3:36 pm

    What a great idea! Soo cute 🙂ReplyCancel

  • MillieMarch 17, 2010 - 4:41 pm

    I agree with Angie, I think Jessie should do a tutorial!ReplyCancel

  • Megan @ Megity's HandmadeMarch 19, 2010 - 3:27 pm

    Super cute! Love it! And I just have to mention that I have this small wallpaper on one of my blogs. Had it for two years and still love it!ReplyCancel

Hey, I'm Kami!

Welcome to the blog

Wife to my Jr. High sweetheart, mother to three daughters. I have always loved being social and staying connected with other people who have similar interests to me. I started a blog back in 2010 and have been in the social networking scene since then. I love meeting new people and helping them feel confident, and see their own beauty.

a monster for your sleepy monster!

When your little one sleeps on the go…
I have very talented sisters-in-law (sister-in-laws? ..whatevs), and one of them told me about this pillow she made for her boy for when he falls asleep in his carseat. How cute is this??


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  • AngieMarch 17, 2010 - 2:20 pm

    I think Jessie should do a tutorial on this. Brylee needs one for our trip to Disneyland.
    Tell her for me. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • CathyMarch 17, 2010 - 2:24 pm

    That is so cute. I want to make one for Lils!ReplyCancel

  • beckabootsMarch 17, 2010 - 3:36 pm

    What a great idea! Soo cute 🙂ReplyCancel

  • MillieMarch 17, 2010 - 4:41 pm

    I agree with Angie, I think Jessie should do a tutorial!ReplyCancel

  • Megan @ Megity's HandmadeMarch 19, 2010 - 3:27 pm

    Super cute! Love it! And I just have to mention that I have this small wallpaper on one of my blogs. Had it for two years and still love it!ReplyCancel


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