What you need:
Base Coat
Top Coat
Nail Polish
Matching Sparkle Striper Polish
I’ve found one place that carries this certain type of striper I like. It’s Sally’s. But not all Sally’s have them. It looks like this:The reason I like this one so much is because it’s all glitter. Therefore, the layer is thick and only needs one application.
So, after applying your base coat, take your solid nail polish, and apply one coat.Next, take your glitter striper, and begin painting on top of your solid painted toes.
Once finished putting on all toes, make sure to put on a TOP COAT. Then clean excess polish off from around cuticles with a Q-tip dipped in nail polish remover.
And you’re done! All set for FLiP-FLoPs & SANDALS!
Here, we did my sister’s fingers purple:
*** Tune in later today on how to get the most of your nail polish application ***
I will be sharing tips & tricks on how to get your nail polish to last longer!
Have you tried the craft glitter technique for glitter nails?
All’s you do is paint your nails the color that matches your craft glitter. While polish is still wet, sprinkle glitter on top of nails then shake excess glitter off. Be sure to apply a good top coat – and you’re all done! This alternative method works good, but not great.
Cute! I use a polish called Northern Lights. The glitter specs are holigraphic so they don’t snag the cotton when your taking it off.
Thanks for the info! I love going to the spa to get glitter toes, so I’m excited I can do it myself now! Thanks!!!
What fun! My daughter will be gaga for this–thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for linking up to It’s a Hodgepodge Friday! I love what you have been up to. Thanks again!
Ooo! Thanks for sharing. I’ve always loved glitter toes but never spring for them!