Friendships, helping women feel confident,
personal growth and earning an income
from home are waiting for you!
Waiting for you There's so much

There's so much

waiting for you

Friendships, growth, helping women

feel confident and an income from

home are waiting for you.

I'm so excited for you to work with me!

Frequently asked questions

about the Seint Artist program


January 2017


25,000 (July 2021)


3D Foundation artist: United States basic kit ($199US) pro kit ($399US)

Canada basic kit ($279CA) (the pro kit isn’t available for Canadians)

Demi Colour Artist: Please reach out to me for kit options or view them here.

Are there any other fees I should know about?

There is a website fee of $12.95/month for the USA and $15.95/month for Canada. This is your fee to sustain your back office, your replicated site, and our new artist app! These are vital to selling to your customers.

What is the minimum amount I have to sell each month?

There is no minimum amount that you have to sell to earn your own sales commissions. However, if you want to start earning bonuses or earn your downline commissions, there will be minimal requirements.

Do I get a discount as an artist?

Yes, you always get 20% off. There is also an option to pay full price but earn up to 40% commission on your own purchases, plus have them count towards free products by hosting your own “party link”.

What other artist perks are there?

A lot really, but you’ll love this one: You can be the hostess of your own parties and you can keep them open for as long as you’d like! This means that you can wait until your party earns enough money to get products completely free (plus earn commissions)!

What commissions can artists make?

Every artist starts the month at 20% commissions. The more you sell, the more commission you’ll make. You can make up to 40% commission plus bonuses and if you’re building a team, downline commissions as well!

How often do artists get paid?

Once a week and once monthly for bonuses. So technically, 5 times a month! Each weekly commission payment is based on your personal sales. Each monthly payment consists of any bonuses you earn, the extra percentage payments >20%, and downline commissions.

How do artists get paid?

They have a secure website that all payments will go. You can choose to have them transferred to a special SEINT debit card or have them transferred to your bank account.

Is there a lot of competition between distributors?

No! Artists will not compete for a customer each time they make a sale because once a customer buys from you, they are your customer for life! The computer registers them as being yours so you will get the credit each time they log in to purchase. This way, you can build a great relationship with your customers and don’t do all the hard work of acquiring them, then losing them to someone else!

Do artists keep inventory?

No! It’s really amazing that we don’t keep inventory and here is why: (a) it’s a pain in the butt. No one wants to have inventory on hand and hope that they’ll get rid of it. Also, who wants to be going to the post office and shipping out items every day? (b) if you have products on hand to sell, you won’t make commission from them. (c) The SEINT corporate team has made it so easy on us. They package it for us, they ship it for us, they deal with returns/exchanges; and their customer service is superb!

If I become an artist, do I have to build a team?

No, you do not have to build a team nor will you be pressured to build a team. You can make a good income off of your own sales commissions alone, however; if you want to eventually have a passive income and earn more money then building a team is the way to go! I have amazing resources for the artists that join my team that will help you with your business.

What countries is the SEINT artist program currently available in?

United States (started January 2017), Canada started (March 2019)

So how do I decide which artist to join under?

Well, hopefully you have been directed here because you want to work with me! Have you seen my post about the opportunity? Did you see one of my tutorials? Have you been a follower of mine and feel like we connect? Are you a current client of mine and have developed a relationship with me? If you will be joining me then I think we will have a lot of fun getting to know each other and all the women on my team are so great, accepting and so supportive of one another. I have built amazing resources & have created systems to help you succeed in building your business!

What is the compensation plan like?

The SEINT compensation plan was created for us to succeed and receive the income that we as artists deserve. If you are interested in seeing the compensation plan, I can send it to you. Just email me at and let me know you’d like to see it!

Where do artists get their marketing material for social media, parties, etc?

We are provided with both paper and electronic marketing materials. Artists are able to access photos and videos for social media via a special hub online as well as our new artist app that just launched in July 2021!

What is the artist community like?

Being a part of the SEINT community is amazing! It is such a positive group to be a part of as we all cheer each other on and help each other out.

There is a joint Facebook group for all of the artists where we can go in and ask questions, get feedback, help each other, etc. Cara, the creator of SEINT, gets on monthly and does live webinars and we can all be a part of the conversation. The line of communication is always open.

We love to collaborate with other Seint sisters and put on fun events online and in person. There are so many opportunities to work together and we feel that

Is it better to join under another SEINT Artist or directly under corporate?

I cannot stress this enough: JOIN UNDER AN ARTIST! There are a lot of reasons for this but here is the main factor: corporate doesn’t know how to run an independent business as an artist does. If you have an upline girl then she will be able to mentor you, train you and give you the resources that you need to succeed. Plus, she WANTS you to succeed. Also, you will be able to develop a personal relationship with her and in return, you will have more success. Hopefully, this is where I come in! I have led a team since the beginning of the artist program. I know the ins and outs of not only this business but also the company! I’ve experienced what things work, what things don’t work, what’s needed, and what resources have helped us to reach our goals!


I think that a lot of people have misconceptions that if they join directly under corporate then they are somehow ‘higher up’. This isn’t true, especially with SEINT’s compensation plan. Every artist has an equal opportunity to make the same amount of money. It is definitely a disadvantage to joining under corporate.

Should I become a Seint artist or a Demi artist? What’s the difference?

Seint 3D products and Demi are two different lines that Sent offers. Definitely consult with me on this if you’re unsure.

If you sign on to be a Seint 3D artist, you can only sell the 3D products that are offered on the Seint website. If you want to do both then you will have to purchase a Demi kit afterward and certify in able to sell both. However, if you sign on to be a Demi artist from the beginning, you will still have to certify to sell it, however, you can begin selling the 3D products as well as soon as you purchase your Demi kit.

In a nutshell, the second you purchase your Demi kit you can sell 3D products (even without a 3D kit) and can sell Demi as soon as you certify. The second you purchase your Seint 3D kit then you can sell 3D products, but you must purchase a Demi kit separately and certify before selling Demi. It can get confusing so this is why it may be wise to reach out to me if you’re unsure!


"I love Seint's Demi line. There hasn’t been anything ever that compares or works like this. It’s so natural but yet you look put together and awake. Kami is so good to work with. She matched me and then I got a one-on-one video call with her to go over any questions you have or to have her explain things to you. She has been there since the beginning asking me how I love it or if I have any questions. I would recommend Kami to anyone thinking about getting into Demi!"

- Nicole T.

"Before working with Kami, I had a hard time finding the right color of makeup. I really loved how Kami was so friendly and helpful. She spent a lot of time making sure that it was done right and that I liked it. With her help, I found colors that matched my skin perfectly. She also took the time to show me and my girls an easy method of applying it. I love how the makeup looks and how it lasts throughout the day. I highly recommend Kami."

-Kelsie W.

"I wasn’t sure I was up for trying Seint 3D Foundation because I’m in my 60’s and saw how beautiful it looked on all the “younger” girls. When Kami color matched me online, she nailed it! My shades were perfect and I’ve never felt more confident about my makeup routine, even if I am “old”! Kami continues to check in on me and I really appreciate the relationship we have developed even though we’ve never met in-person."

-Sandy F.

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